KiMaReE'z WoRLd ^_~

AbOuT mE

Hey hey! Here are some fast factz on me...

Nickname: Kimmy, kim bim, Worm etc etc

D.O.B: 1985 (which makes me 17 at the mo)

Starsign: Western:GEMINI Asian:OX

Hobbies: stuff...hangin out, drawin, music, computer stuff, dancin the night away, crazy stuff and yea....stuff hehehe

Fav colour: Pink me thinkz..dunno really

Fashion sense: Not really with the trendz, hippy/chique with a lil bit of originality

Fav item owned: My gold seven charm lucky bracelet...lemme see, there'z a dummy, hat, key, lock, heart, bell & bowl...very cute!

Goal in life: Fame & fortune...kekeke, nope-->>>true and everlasting happiness in whatever i do

EmAiL mE!!!

click here to view my daily diary entries

click for kewl fashion stuff

click here for groovy links

Shout outs!!!

photo gallery

Cute & funni pics

Chinese supa starz
