Harris Counseling
and Psychotherapy
My Favorite Links:
In Good Hands Massage Therapy
American Psychological Association
My Info:
Dean A. Harris
Check out my site! Here I  put many of my past reports and papers that I have written for school. Also are included are a few interesting facts!          None are intended for plagurism!
Click on the pics (brains) below to access what the DSM IV says about this subject, if it is posted. Click on the subject to view the documents!
Domestic Violence
Abnormal Psycology
Depression and Suicide
Human Development
Social Psychology
Yahoo Mental Health Issues
Kids in Single-Parent Homes Have Worse Health
Gray's Anatomy
Stress Killers
Pics of the Brain
Eating Disorders
Bi-Polar Disorder
Somewhat New News!
New research on brain cell growth!
Bed wetting and emotional problems
Girls with ADHD getting help
Therapy offered to 9/11 victims
Inspirational Saying
3D Brain
Borderline Personality Disorder
MSNBC Interactive Model of the Brain
Zen Wisdom?
Relaxation  Techniques
Quick Help!
Motivational Truisms
David Halmosi - Advance Book Bindery Ltd.
Controling Anger
The Effectiveness of Psychotherapy
Karol Antipas
Friends Links:
Sample Pic Page
Marcello Online
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Neurological Hints in the Bible
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