Off to the woods with all his gear,
Binoculars, camera and flash,
Field Guide to Birds was always near –
In his pocket easy to stash.

He had a score card to keep count
Of all the species he might see.
It has grown to a large amount -
He takes watching seriously.

He finds his life quite exciting -
Bird watching gives a special thrill.
Today might bring a new sighting,
Announced by a unique new trill.

His ears and eyes are always keen,
Intent on all his surroundings.
Just wondering what might be seen
Is apt to set his heart pounding.

Aimlessly walking all about,
He sensed there were people nearby.
Maybe other watchers were out -
Something strange attracted his eye.

In a clearing he saw the net
Spread as some professionals do.
That way specimens they can get,
Enabling them to tag a few.

He knew this from a TV show
Perhaps sponsored by Audubon.
Birds flew into the mesh, although
There certainly was no harm done.

He walked closer looking at it,
To see if birds were entangled,
But none, it seemed, the net had hit,
As between two posts it dangled.

He then glanced down beside his shoe,
And noticed the stiff-feathered bird.
There were a few rackets there, too –
Badminton! He felt quite absurd.

© Richard McCusker