January 6, 2002

Youth's tday see no purpose in the future
- drug use
- immorality
They are self destructive
Youth's have no help in tackling the future
Christian youths have Jehovah, parents and friends
Families need to spen time together
Simple Solutions - There aren't any
We need to buy out time to spend with our children
Christian parents must avoid a simple solution
1 Corinthians 14:8
Proverbs 29:21 Consequences of spoiling children
Youth's will also get direction from the world, Television and music
Luke 21:29-32
2 Timothy 3:2-5

They have a form of Godly devotion but prove false to its power
Youths look to Christian parents for a positive example, demonstating that love of God is first in our lives.
Deuteronomy 6: 5,6
Matthew 22:37,38 good all around example
Half heartedness is not good, the effort is what is important
We must have respect for authority
Do we really respect God's authority?
Matthew 6:33
Do we have a regular Bible Study?
2 Timothy 6:4
We must also have recreation.
Ephesians 6:4
John 17:3
In the end it is really up to the youths to make thier own minds up
as to whether they make the truth thier own.
You have an enemy that does not want you to succeed.
1 John 5:19
You can resist him by practicing Godly devotion
We have to be determined to avoid wrong conduct.
Mark 15:23
We need to be always on guard
1 John 2:17
This sick and dying world has nothing to offer
John 8:32
We have freedom of truth, lies, and false religion.
Romans 6:16; 8:5,6
Also we are free from leanings of our own flesh
Romans 12:1,2 purpose of life
We have no purpose unless we are serving Jehovah.
1 Peter 5:9,10 Take your stand against Satan
Psalms 110:3 Just like dew drops. Refreshing like fresh air
Be busy serving Jehovah and resist Satan
Psalms 37:37
This is an assuranc of a wonderful future that awaits you
Continue to have confidence in Jehovah's organization
Proverbs 27:11
Serve Jehovah and you will make his heart glad