Its not so nice true but in order to get here requires some not so nice things to have occured. This is hell after all and in hell its a case of eventually giving in and telling yourself to accept the sweet suffering. You didnt have to come to this place you were the one that raised the subject and you could have said no to whatever vileness permeates your soul and your being. You enjoyed suffering, you wanted others to suffer and now you must accept that you to must suffer, you must experience so much suffering that your only escape will be to change your sadistic impulses into maoschistic impulses until eventually you both seek and run from the torture that will become your eternity. I know that life has been tough for you but it has been so for us all and it was deliberately so as you have been tested, the devil was put into your mind to tempt you and I is sorry to tell you that you have been found lacking. You could have fought the sickness in which you let the devil dwell yet you didnt you hapily accepted his prescence and attempted to help him invade the lives of society. Prepare to be judged.