Back to the Future Marty McFly time travels into the past and gets hit on by his mom. Eeww. Christopher Lloyd is great. A

Back to the Future II Marty and Doc travel to the future, the past and even an alternate present. The re-enactment of the 50's scenes from the first film are amazing. A

Back to the Future III Take the first film and put cowboy hats on everyone. Not as entertaining as the first two, but still okay. B-

Back Woods A 300-pound retarded-genius redneck transvestite wants revenge for his mother's death. Need I say more? Funny as hell and rediculous to boot. B

Bad Taste Peter Jackson's first film is exactly what the title implies. Aliens harvest humans for food and the twisted New Zealand mind of Peter Jackson shows us every gory detail. Very funny and a great first effort. A

Baseketball Trey Parker and Matt Stone star as creators of a nationwide craze. This was an okay flick. It did have its funny moments, but it wasn't as good as it could have been. C+

Beast, The From Walerian Borowzyck, a demented Polish filmmaker. This one is definitely unique with lotsa soft core sex and a bigfoot that accidentaly gets jacked off by a woman hanging from a tree. Gallons of goo splatter the forest, and cover the small furry creatures . Funny and sexy. B+

Beastmaster, The Classic, utterly stupid Conan rip off that actually is a lot of fun. Tanya Roberts shows her tits (it's PG), Marc Singer plays the Beastmaster with his crazy ferret friends. Good action, better then you'd think! B+

Beavis and Butthead Do America The idiot teen duo embark on a cross country trek to find their stolen TV. A major disappointment that is missing the charm of the TV show. D+

Behind The Green Door Marylin Chambers made her mark with this fun classic porn from the great Mitchell Bros. Kinda bizarre, but that’s what makes it quite unique. A-

Being Different Join the part here with a cast of characters that include the Elephant man, the fat man, the fat lady, bearded lady, monkey girl, Billy Barty dancing the night away. Enjoyable real exploitation of “different people” documentary. R.I.P Billy B. A-

Beverly Hillbillies, The The classic TV show is brought to the big screen with an all-b-star cast. The one good thing I can say is that Cloris Leachman does Irene Ryan proud. Deidrich Bader isn't bad either as Jethro and Jethrine. C-
Beverly Hills Ninja Chris Farley is the "Great White Ninja" in this slapstick comedy. Just plain stupid fun. B-

Beyond the Mat Brilliant documentary focusing on the effects a pro wrestler's job has on his body and his family. Features some great footage of Jake "The Snake" Roberts smoking crack and Mick Foley destroying his own limbs. A

Beyond the Valley of the Ultra Vixens Quite possibly Russ Meyer's most boob filled movie to date. Huge knockers and milk bags galore. Kitten Natividad never looked better though this one goes alot further and is more explicit, with less plot. What am I complaining about? A-

Big Fat Liar Respectable film about revenge. Contains a lot of good gags. Amanda Bynes is probably the worst actress on the planet. Did she read the script, or did they just make up cue cards for her? C+

Big Heat, The Holy Fucking shit Batman! Ultra gory HK action complete with exploding limbs, fingers and a classic death involving a gangster who gets shot, run over by 2 cars and then a truck. B+

Big Hit, The An intentionally over the top action comedy about four hitmen trying to get the job done. If you can believe it, Lou Diamond Phillips is hysterical. B

Bikini Med School In between some cheezy black and white medical school footage, we get Med students and doctors bangin away in some bland softcore action. Attempts at humor are all misses. Avoid this like a rabid squirrel. D

Billy Madison A grown man is forced to repeat every grade in school to prove that he is worthy of his father's fortune. This film is a true comedy classic that shows Adam Sandler at his best. A

Black Hawk Down Amazing true story of the U.S. involvement in the Somalia conflict of 1993. Very graphic and intense. B+

Black Sheep A political candidate sends his assistant to keep an eye on his oafish, but well-meaning brother. Chris Farley and David Spade prove, once again, to be a great comedy team. Gary Busey proves, once again, to be a raving psychotic. B

Blade Wesley Snipes is wicked as the legendary half-man half-vampire "daywalker". This was the first in the new Marvel film legacy. They picked a killer to start with. A

Blade II Snipes is back and forced to battle hybrid vampires that feed on vampires. Some so-so CGI effects don't even hurt this worthy sequel. A

Blood Feast 2 HG Lewis is back, and really did a fine job with this sequel/remake of his classic “Blood Feast” . Some funny characters, campy dialogue and really over the top gore fx. B+

Blown An angry voodoo priestess goes on an insane rampage after posessing a blow-up doll. I must say, this is a very bizarre premise, but it holds up well through an array of unexpected recurring jokes and just plain ridiculous humor. B+

Blues Brothers, The Belushi why'd you have to take that speedball? Dan Ackroyd and comic legend John Belushi star in one of the greatest buddy comedies, if not the greatest. The music is sweet the humor is crass and oh that penguin. Carrie Fisher looks very sexy muddy too. A+

Blues Brothers 2000, The What an absolute disgrace this film is! I think we need to go to John Belushi's grave and face him up because he surely turned in his grave after hearing about this in comedy heaven. F

Boat Trip I was surprised at how much I laughed at this goofy movie. Cuba Gooding Jr. is better than he was in that crap he won an Oscar for. Horatio Sanz is great. Also includes a great cameo with Will Ferrell and Artie Lange. B

Bodacious Ta Tas Double Ds aplenty in this jug fest starring, ohh what a surprise, Ron Jeremy. This ones for the big tit fans. B-

Booty Call Two guys go through hoops just to get laid. Gee, that never happens. Jamie Foxx and Tommy Davidson are a great pair. B

Bourne Identity, The Matt Damon gets amnesia and forgets that he is a government assassin. Chris Cooper doesn't know that, and tries to have him killed. It makes for a good story that's lots of fun. B+

Bowfinger Let us examine just how brilliant Steve Martin is. He is able to make Eddie Murphy funny again in this tale of the misadventures of a hack filmmaker. A-

Bowling for Columbine Michael Moore investigates America's fascination with gun violence. Entertaining until Moore begins to grandstand. A great scene with Charlton Heston makes this worth watching. B

Box Balls Here's a bizarre porn loop thats been goin' around for years. A man with a pendulus sack allows his nasty wife to twist, turn, tie in knots and eventually fuck his swelled up whopper bag. Really sick stuff, only for you weirdos who are into this kinda crap.
Breakfast Club, The Five teens from five different social groups are stuck together for eight hours of detention. When the kids arrive, they have nothing in common. By day's end, they all bond, and the viewer is expected to believe that schools give out eight hour detentions. Some of the jokes are funny. B-

Bride and the Beast, The Ed Wood's premier writing skills are back in this one. A woman, whose past life was as an ape, is kidnapped and then wed to a giant African gorilla. Good God, Ed... D-

Bringing Down the House Holy mule shit. I have never watched a movie as horrible and predictable as this one. It makes me wonder how Queen Latifah got an Oscar nomination and how I've said Steve Martin is brilliant. Avoid this disaster if it means your own death. F

Broken Arrow Travolta, Slater, Howie Long. How can you go wrong with this cast? Add the over-the-top direction of John Woo and you get a special little nugget of dookie sure to make the whole family shake their heads in disgust. Shameful. D+

Bruce Almighty It's been quite a while since we've seen Jim Carrey in a decent comedy. It's about time he got back to the likes of Liar Liar. This is a fun comedy about a news reporter who gets the power of god. Steve Carell is hilarious as Carrey's rival. B+

Bullet in the Head A John Woo film about 3 friends who escape Hong Kong in the midst of the vietnam war. Very reminicent of The Deer Hunter, but stands beautifully on its own with a genious mix of drama and incredible action. Remarkable, Woo’s best. A+

Bumfights Homeless guys are paid in beer to beat the crap out of each other and themselves. You'll laugh your ass off and be ashamed of yourself for it at the same time. A

'burbs, The Tom Hanks thinks his neighbors are murderers. I'd keep an eye on Corey Feldman, too, if I were him. Hanks was a comedic genius before he abandoned it all for Oscar. A-

Burt Reynolds: What the Hell Happened? Hysterical mocumentry on one of Film's true icons. Wonderful direction by Mike Heenan, and a hilarious chameleon like performance by star Jeff Dolniak. A must see!! A+

Bye Bye Love A sweet story examining the male side of divorce, custody, dating and remarriage. A nice change from the usual "women who bash men when the relationship fails" garbage. This film does a good job exploring a man's difficulty with divorce. Plus, it's funny. B+