That's Wes, way up ahead in the blue boat, kicking my ass.
You guessed it.  LEGO man, dog, cooler, woody...:)
That lady, there, is made of mashed carrots. No...LEGOS!!
Guess what that chicken is made of?!?
Albert Einstein's Head, Comprised of LEGOS!
Yep.  Cop made of LEGOs, cops a feel.
See the Lego swans!!
Captain Safety?  Is that you??
Lego San Fran...hella cool.
Mouse over to see the Cute Lego Dragon!
That dude is made of LEGOS. Wow!
Wes was sooo excited to go...
But he immediately fell in
with the wrong crowd.
"Help me, Obiwan Kenobi
...I'm surrounded by children."
Harassing Lego Albert Einstein...
Carrousing with local ruffians....
Taunting the poultry...
Menacing the women...
And mocking local law enforcement methods!
I tried to distract the authorities... Wes could make his escape.
Unfortunately, he fell victim to the infamous "Lego shark head trap".
Things were looking grim.
We needed a superhero.
Or, really good negotiating skills.
Happier times...