So, this is supposed to tell you about me. I'll try to add more stuff later and maybe organize things better, but in the meantime this is a decent summary of my interests. I make no apology for any triteness, since you're probably bored if you're reading this in the first place.



This is a dangerous thing to list as an interest, since the term is used in so many different ways that it almost doesn't communicate any more. My particular slant is an interest in reading historically significant philosophers, and literature more generally. General issues like epistemology and ontology are also interesting.


I hadn't acted since high school, but I was able to play a role in the Fall 2002 Cognitive Dissonance student theater festival. It reminded me of how much I miss the dramatic environment; there's nothing like the camaraderie between cast and crew and directors in a small production. It was such an enjoyable experience.

I also had a small speaking part in Pepperdine's Songfest 2003 with the Faculty/Staff/Alumni group. That was a lot of fun too!

I don't have immediate plans to pursue drama further, but I'm keeping my eyes open.


I'm not a professional or even an amateur writer, but I like to dabble occasionally, beyond what I'm required to do for my research.

Enjoy, but please don't distribute these!

Japanese Manga and Anime.

Put simply, "Manga" is Japanese printed comics, and "Anime" is Japanese animation.

The Japanese have an immense comics industry, though relatively few are known in the United States. The manga (e.g. Akira, Silent Mobius) are essentially novels in graphic form, and were around in Japan way before Dark Knight Returns made graphic novels popular in the United States.

Just about everyone has heard of a couple of anime series--Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh and DragonBallZ are the most popular with kids, although most anime (like the manga) is targeted toward adults. They don't necessarily have adult content, but complex plots and themes that probably only adults will appreciate. The novelty of finding deep plots and characters in a comic book is really quite refreshing.


I studied New Testament Greek to satisfy my foreign language requirement, and in my spare time I'm trying to pick up Arabic. It has a beautiful scripted alphabet.

Here are a few fun language links:

Online Comics.

I've taken a fancy to a few comics that are published exclusively online that I read every day: Nukees, set in UC Berkeley's Nuclear Engineering department; Sinfest is an amusing work that draws on the manga drawing style; and Oh My Gods is a sometimes irreverent comic from the perspective of a group of pagans in modern society.

Keenspot is a collection of popular online comic strips, and it's a neat place to spend an hour or two on a lazy afternoon.

Video games.

I don't have much time to play these days, but I still have a modest Diablo 2 BattleNet character (Qal-Nos, a level 41 Necromancer) that I open often enough to keep alive. I also used to play SoulCalibur back when I was living with Soup and he had a Dreamcast. Go Cervantes!

My favorites, though, were the old Sierra adventure games--King's Quest, Space Quest, and Quest for Glory. This genre died for a while, although there are rumors that Sierra is making a new Space Quest, with a possible King's Quest in the works. (LSL and QFG seem to be tabled, though.)

I'm also a fan of the old text-only adventure games (Adventure, the Zork family).

Then of course there's Progress Quest, the game that plays itself. I guarantee that you'll either love it or hate it!

Miscellaneous things about me


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