
This morning when I sneered at the alarm clock ringing in my tired ears at 6:30 am (EST) 

my biggest worry was, "What am I going to wear today and how late am I going to be."

Ten minutes after I walked thru the doors of my office, like any morning before, and like all of you do

every day; there were busy people. Running here and there with so much to get done.  Today, however; there was a different air about the chatter.   I learned that while I drove to work, listening to my CD's and planning my weekend, thousands of people's life's came to an abrupt, catastrophic end.

That some man had decided it was time for America's alarm clock to go off.  

Some of you may not agree, but it's my web page, if you don't like it, make your own and share 

your opinions.  


Our arrogance as a country brought this devastation upon us.  With the multitude of military 

cut backs and the "we are untouchable" attitude that this country has reveled in since the 

last military conflict went 'so well'.   I pray for us as a country, as a people,  and as world.  

That the carnage and rage that is sure to follow this attack against our nation will re-enforce

the belief for our Commander in Chief that there is always some body a little meaner on the block, 

and we must never become too confident in our reputation alone to protect our walls from those 

who would do us harm.


It is time to take our block back.  The government of this great nation, which our forefathers 

fought so hard to retain as our own; must rise to the occasion which we have been plummeted in 

so heinously.  I hope our government will strike with  a full force retaliation.  SWIFTLY and with out hesitation,  and send a message of our own to would be terrorists and those who have in the past granted safe harbor for them.

Not on our soil.  Not 60 years ago, not today and not tomorrow.  Your acts of hatred will NOT  be tolerated, not here, not ever!


Tonite we live in fear in our own country.  This assault can NOT go unpunished.  I fear what will 

happen when today's shock turns into tomorrow's rage and this country's citizens demand justice.  Justice for each of the lives taken today.  For each second an innocent spent falling from 

the fiery hell that started as an office this morning.


I fear what my child will dream of tonite, I fear what I will dream.   Most of all I fear what

our lives will become in the aftermath of this crime.


May God bless us all and help us unite against the force that threatens our existence this day.


My deepest love and all the compassion in my being goes out to those who have lost a loved one, a friend, mother, father, or child today.




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