It's obvious that I am a technology retard: my eye for color and line are impeccable off-line, in realtime. Where Cyberia is concerned there is a misfiring neuron or a skipped synapse. Or vice-versa. Saying my design/code sucks is redundant because *I* have already said it. Don't bother.

Occasionally you will find a reference to beer and sausages in my weblog. I don't know why; don't fucking question absolutes.

I was born in the Delta region of the U.S., hotfooted it all over the place, then landed in the hell that is referred to as Alabama (Hellabama for short). I bide my time here until my sentence is commuted.

I make friends to keep them, so I am very selective. Nothing personal.

Music is sustenance. It is unmercifully woven into every aspect of my life.

About 16 years ago, at a shamefully young age, I learned that a spoon is something you cook with, not cook down with. It has definitely altered my outlook and people skills.

I have family, and I am protective of them. Nearly everyone mentioned here has an alias for that very reason. I post semi-anonymously for their well-being, not my own.

I have blonde hair, some of the bluest eyes you've ever seen, tig ole bitties, a filthy mouth (home to an All-American-Girl smile) and a fairly decent brain.

I am right-handed and an Aries.

Current news causes horrific nightmares, so I don't watch it or read it. I rely on my partner, who is worthy of trust in this role and who is also a CNN-aholic.

I was raised Baptist, much to my chagrin. Despite this, I very much believe in God and His spirit of love for stupid creatures, namely humans.

I make love AND war; I enjoy the two pretty equally.

I drive way too fast because I like it immensely.

I don't think pink is pretty, nor do I find it ugly, but you won't catch me wearing it.

My fingernails are ferociously bitten, my toenails are religiously manicured.

I am all those adjectives, those common nametags we hold for women: mother, daughter, sister, wife. Feminism can suck my cock.

I am constantly trying to find my place in the world, but I won't often admit it.

Mountain Dew is a life force to be reckoned with and handled with care.

I am a nocturnal sort, but circumstances require that I be attentive during the day.

Can a girl
have too many books or pairs of shoes?

I respect forthrightness, even at the cost of a little cosmetic damage.

I find a sense of humor invaluable.


 This site best viewed with IE5, but Dirk says that it works with Navigator as well. Just as you wish me not to punch you in the throat, I wish you not to swipe anything without my permission. It all belongs to me except where noted or linked and I sure hate to have to fuck somebody up for not respecting that.

Smile,'s gonna be a great day!!
