1. LEADER       co-Leader
              2. Kontroller
             3. Executioner
                5. Scout , People
LEADER:Johan Kageman: Doublejointer
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As the Leader or co-Leader your duty is to come up with idéas about how to work better as a team and who we are going to fight, thy there can only be ...........
one when the battle ends
And as a leader all the  ones that are under the leader ,co-leader schall obey or get thrown out of this clan
The Leader and co-leader gets 5 points in the Wotes.
Kontroller is one of the Highest ranks that you can come up to and probably one of the most important ones.
All the kontrollers
kontrolls the executioner and sends that person in to a god fight. But as the kontroller you have to go in to the fight with the executioner. A kontroller does not kontroll the Warfighters nor the Scouts.
The kontroller gets 4 points in the Wotes
The Executioner does not kontroll anyone.That person comes with plans and tells everyone above that person about it.
if itŽs granted heŽll proceed with the process.  
The Executioner gets 3 points in the Wotes
The Warfighter helps the Executioner in battles and weakens the enemy. If heŽs question in finishing the enemy is granted heŽll do so. The Warfighter is obeyed by one person and that person is the scout.
The Warfighter gets 2 points in the Wotes
The Scout is all the peoples that has just started with playing B&W. heŽs only purpose in this clan is that he schould learn how to play. If heŽ an active member heŽll go up a rank. If not heŽll be kicked out.
The Scout, people  gets 1 point in the Wotes
Executioner: Jay Evolve  Cyto
Warfighter: Taylor Caywood Topdawg1015