119 pages, published by Fremantle Arts Centre Press
In the beginning, Celia seemed just like a normal kid, but then...

I crept out onto the balcony to listen while Mum, Dad, and Big Olive talked.
'I've seen how she is and I'm almost certain now Celia is going to turn out like Hetty,' said Big Olive. 'It's the wohunk streak. It comes from your great-grandmother. Remember what they said about her being so odd? She was a wohunk kid. And you can bet your life on it, ' she declared. 'Celia is a wohunk kid too.'

Vim, anle axims, and seventh sense. Touch jumping, bird leaping, and gliding. Suddenly, Celia has it all. But what is the secret of the wohunk kids, and how safe are they...
Leaping the Tingles
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