Big guy and rusty the boy robot #46 my name is David


Big guy is the property of Dark horse comics and tri-star.


Previously on big guy and rusty the boy robot…


In the base of the neo machina an important test is going on.  A system comes to life.


“Where am I?” A voice asks.


Number one approaches the system.


“You were destroyed not long ago but we have brought your essence back.” Number one responds.


“Where is he?” The voice asks.

“Don’t worry. Project omega is underway and soon you will have your revenge. Number 7….” Number one says.


"How long?" The voice asks.

"A little over one year." Number one responds.

Two steps forward.

"We need some more components before omega is ready." Number Two says.

"I can wait. I've waited for what seems like an eternity. Soon I will take my revenge against Rusty for destroying me." The voice says.

And now the continuation…


A group of Neo machina children are gathered together waiting for an adult to arrive.  An older machina shows up.


“Hello my name is david.” One of the kids says.


The adult frowns.


“Incorrect your designation is Neo 203.” The adult says.


The kid shakes his head.


“No my name is David.” The kid says.


The adult grabs him and takes him away to a room.  David sees it and remembers that he saw some of his friend go in there and not come back the same.


“You will be reprogrammed.  Individuality is not allowed.” The adult says.


David squirms but can’t get free.


“Let me go.  My name is david.” David says.


They both enter a room and David is placed on a table.


“What is the problem?” Another drone asks.


“His program is malfunctioning and is causing individuality.  Reprogram and make sure it doesn’t happen again.” The adult responds.


David screams when the drone takes out a device to plug into his head.


“NO!” David screams.


In a sudden burst of energy he breaks free and knocks over the adult.  The adult quickly gets up and activates his communicator.


“Neo 203 has gone loose.  Use all measures to make sure he does not escape.” The adult says.


David hides as he sees soldiers running past with scary looking weapons.


“Why are they after me?  I like the way I am?” David wonders.


When he sees the coast is clear he heads for the exit to the surface.  But a drone is guarding. 


“Hey Jason.” David says.


The drone looks at him.


“Neo 203 you have been ordered to be detained.” The drone says.


“What’s wrong Jason?” David asks.


But the drone simply reaches down to grab him.  David realizes that he has been reprogrammed.  David knocks him over and races for the surface.  He is hit in the back with a weapon.


“Stop neo 203.” The guard drone says.


David turns around.


“Please Jason.  I know there is still something inside of you.  Let me go so I can continue being who I am.” David says.


The drone hesitates.


“I have been ordered to take you in….” The drone says.


“You were once like me.  Let me go.” David says.


The drone returns underground and David takes off as fast as he can.  David reaches the city after flying for a while. 


“Somebody please help me.  People are after me to hurt me.” David says.


But everybody that sees him screams and runs away.


“Why is everybody afraid of me?” David asks.


A police officer sees him and pulls his weapon.


“Freeze!” The officer says.


“I need help please.” David pleads.


The officer fires but David reaches out and grabs the bullet before it can hit him.


“Why are you trying to hurt me?” David asks.


The officer freaks out and runs away. 


“This is officer Oharry.  I spotted a small drone that looks like Neo Machina in downtown sector 4.” The officer yells into a police box.


Soon after a military vehicle shows up.  Something inside of David warns him to stay as far away from them as he can.  He hides in an alley until the vehicle passes by.  David reluctantly steps from the alley when suddenly he hears something flying overhead.  He looks up and sees a small object flying overhead.


“Hey I need help!” David says.


The object looks down and lands.  David reaches out and touches the other object.


“Your mechanical like me.” David says.


Rusty yelps at the site of him up close and points his weapon.  David yells and runs away. 


“Hey come back.” Rusty yells.


Rusty chases after David until he ends up in a dead-end alley.  David spins around and corners himself against the wall.


“Please don’t hurt me.  I just need some help.” David says.


Rusty realizes that he is harmless and lowers his weapon.


“I’m sorry but you just look like one of our enemies.” Rusty says.


“I am part of the Neo machina.  But I am not like the others.  My name is David.” David says.


“I didn’t think they had names.  The only names I heard were numbers.” Rusty says.


David remembers his short time in the Neo Machina base. 


“When we are first activated we are all turned into mindless drones.  The only ones that are allowed to have individuality are the leaders.” David says.


“One and two.” Rusty says confused.


“You know of them?” David asks surprised.


“Know of them?  I helped destroy them.” Rusty says.


“Why would you do something like that?” David asks confused.


“Because they were bad and tried to take over the city.” Rusty responds defensively.


David backs up scared.


“I had heard that our leaders were not the originals but I never knew that their own kind destroyed them.” David looks.


Rusty gets ticked off.


“I am nothing like their kind!” Rusty yells.


David backs up.


“Get away from me your murderer!” David yells.


He takes off.


“Wait!” Rusty yells after him.


Rusty shakes his head.  The next morning he returns to see if he can find David again.


“David!” Rusty calls out.


Suddenly David plows right into him and knocks him to the ground.


“I will avenge number one and two.” David says.


Rusty flinches as David prepares to fire on him but something in Rusty’s eyes makes him stop.  Rusty throws him off and points his finger at him.


“Now are you going to calm down and listen to me or do I have to blast you?” Rusty asks.


“Your eyes.  You aren’t like the others.  I sense an innocence in them.” David says.


Something inside of Rusty calms and he lowers his arm.


David sits down.


“I also know that I am different.  I have known that since I was activated.  Everybody kept calling me by a number.  Neo 203.  But I knew that I deserved more.  Eventually they sent me out to explore the underworld to find any weaknesses.  One day I came upon a homeless old man.” David says.


He remembers flying along the sewers and he spots an old man in rags.  He lands.


“Hello.” David says.


The old man looks at him and smiles.


“I haven’t seen too many people down here.  Specially not ones that say hello to me.” The old man says.


“You aren’t afraid of me?  I was told that all human fear us.” David asks.


The old man shrugs his shoulders.


“I think that if we fear everything that is different then we will always be ignorant.” The old man says.


“I kept coming back for days to speak with this man.  He enlightened me as to the truth about the humans.”


“By the way.  The name is David.” The old man says.


“I have no name.  My designation Is Neo 203.” David says.


“You sound like you don’t like that.” Human David says.


David shakes his head.


“That’s what everybody else is called but I know I am like the others.” David responds.


Human David hold’s David’s hand, surprising him.


“I sense it.  You are a kindred soul but it’s being squashed and slowly extinguished.  Don’t let it happen.” Human David says.


Something on David beeps like it does every day.


“I have to go.  I’ll be back again.” David says.


David takes off and human David looks after him smiling.  The next morning human David doesn’t look good.  He is coughing a lot.


“Are you okay David?” David asks.


Human David shakes his head.  He takes something out of his pocket and hands it to him.  David looks down puzzled.  The object in his hand is a small bracelet like object.  On it bears the name David.


“I want you to have this.  As the only person that said hi.” Human David says smiling.


David takes it and looks it over.  Human David smiles and his eyes slowly close.  David looks up.


“David?” David asks.


He shakes human David and does a scan.  The scan shows no heartbeat or brain activity.  David looks down sadly.


Rusty looks down sadly after hearing the story.


“Is that where you got your name?” Rusty asks.


David sadly nods his head.


“I took his name in honor of him.  I knew I needed more than a number and I finally had more.” David responds.


“So why are you up here on the surface instead of with your own kind?” Rusty asks.


“Because I used my taken name.  They took me to a room, which I knew was bad.  I had several other friends; some who also took names that went into that room and never came back.  Including my best friend.” David says thinking sadly about Jason.


“Hey why don’t you come with me to Quarks.  Maybe they can help you.” Rusty says.


“I am one of the enemies to the military.  Do you really think they would accept me because of that?” David asks.


Rusty thinks.


“Yeah I can tell Dr. Slate.  She’d understand.” Rusty responds.


David ponders the offer.


“Come back tomorrow and let me think about it until then.” David says.


Rusty takes off and returns the next morning.  David looks excited.


“I have decided to accept your offer.  I would love to have a new home.” David says.


Rusty jumps for joy.


“Oh boy this is great.” Rusty yells.


They both take off and fly towards Quarks.  David is in awe at the tall imposing tower.  Together they enter the main hallway.  But as soon as the guard gets a glimpse at David he hits the alarm and points a weapon at David.  Soon a dozen guards storm the lobby and take David.


“No wait!  He’s harmless!” Rusty yells but nobody hears him.


Later on David is thrown into an interrogation room where Thornton appears.


“What are you doing here?  Why did the Neo Machina send you?” Thornton asks angrily.


David waves his hands.


“They didn’t.  I broke free from them.” David responds.


Thornton slams his fist on the table.


“Don’t give me that crap.  I know what you are all like.  You all think you are better than humans and want to rule over us.  Well guess what?  It isn’t going to happen not while I’m in the military.” Thornton says angrily.


David is obviously very scared and looks around for help.


“Rusty!” David calls out.


“Okay we can do this the hard way or the easy way.  You tell me everything you know about the Neo Machina including any weaknesses and the location of their base.  If you don’t then we will disassemble you and find it anyway.” Thornton says.


“I don’t know anything I swear.  I was just activated a few weeks ago.” David responds.


Thornton calls in a technician.


“Disassemble him and upload his data processor.” Thornton orders.


“No wait!” Rusty calls out. 


He rushes into the room.


“Please listen to me.  He’s not like the others.  He has a name.” Rusty pleads.


Thornton shakes his head.


“I’m sorry son but we can’t take any chances.” Thornton says.


The technician takes David.  Suddenly Rusty fires on a console blowing it up.  In the confusing Rusty grabs David and flies up and out of the tower.  They land nearby.


“Why are they doing this to me?  I haven’t done anything to them.” David asks.


Rusty sighs.


“It’s because the others of your kind have done bad things.  I’m sorry.” Rusty responds.


David shakes his head sadly.


“I need to get you to a safe hiding place.” Rusty says.


They both take off but immediately a weapon shoots them down.  They both look up at a huge robot.


“Neo 203 you are to come with me for reprogramming.” The robot says.


“I’ll never go back there.  I am an individual.  I am not like the others!” David yells.


The robot aims a weapon at David.


“Please don’t let them take me.” David pleads.


Rusty jumps in front of David.


“You’ll have to go through me first.” Rusty says.


The weapon fires but at the last second David shoves Rusty aside and takes the blast head on.  He shatters into many pieces.


“Neo 203 has been terminated.  Returning to base.” The robot says.


Rusty fires on the robot but then realizes he doesn’t stand a chance and it isn’t posing a threat anymore.  He looks down sadly at the remains.


“David.” Rusty says softly.


Thornton finally arrives with some soldiers. 


“Where is he?” Thornton asks very angry.


Rusty points to the remains.  That night Rusty is pouting in his room.  Slate comes in.


“What’s wrong Rusty?  Ever since you came back you haven’t said a word.” Slate asks.


Rusty explodes in anger.


“What’s wrong?  What’s wrong is that nobody would even consider the possibility that David wasn’t like the others.” Rusty says.


Rusty continues, voice breaking from emotion “If you had given him a chance he’d still be here now.”


Thornton enters the room.




“We had to do it.  We can’t take any chances right now.” Thornton responds.


Rusty plows past him and out of the room.  Slate looks at him with a tear in her eye.




A final piece is set into a chamber where a unseen machine is sitting.

"Omega is complete. Insert A.I." Number one says.

Number 2 inserts the program.

"Ready to launch." Number 2 says.


Suddenly everything goes white. When it fades there is nothing left but ruins littered with parts and pieces of Neo Machina. 


To be continued…