Big guy and rusty the boy robot #40: The aftermath


Big guy is the property of Darkhorse comics and Tristar.


Previously on Big guy…


"If you are seeing this then I am probably dead.  Therefore this is a little revenge idea I came up with.  I knew that my saboteur would be found out and he would give you this." Poindexter says.


He waves goodbye on the screen.


"EVERYBODY GET OUT!" Dr. Slate screams.


A few seconds later the whole lab goes up a huge fireball and outside the whole tower topples onto the ground.


--                     Deus ex machina part 2             --



A dusty figure stumbles out of the dust cloud.  Slate rushes to him.


“Oh thank god you are okay.” Slate yells smiling.


Dwayne just stands there stunned.  Slate embraces him and kisses him on the cheek.


“It’s finally over.” Slate says smiling.


Dwayne looks down at Slate and finally smiles himself.  They both look at the setting sun and feel at peace.


A strange figure is watching the whole thing.


“It’s not over.  It’s only beginning.” The figure says.


The figures left eye glows red.


--                     Time and time again                  --


The figure gets up and leaves the room.  He enters another room that has a few more figures in it. 


“Did it succeed?” Another figure asks.


“Yes the target was destroyed but the people in it made it out okay.” The first figure responds.


“And the boy robot?” The second figure asks.


“He was destroyed along with Poindexter but we picked up a signal showing a backup being made of his system.” The first figure responds.


“Excellent.  We have dealt quite a blow to them, but it is only the beginning.  Soon the time will come for us to reveal ourselves.” The second figure says.


The figures all smile and their eyes light up red.


It begins soon…..


One week later.


A group of excavators are still cleaning up the rubble of quarks.  Some of the scientists along with Slate are standing and watching.


“Do you think it made it through unscathed?” A scientist asks.


“It had to have been.  He has to be okay.” Slate responds tearful.


Some more rubble is pulled off revealing a door in the ground.  Slate gasps.


“There it is.” Slate says.


Slate rushes over and pulls the door open revealing a ladder.


“Sir we aren’t sure how stable it is down there.  I don’t recommend going down there.” A worker warns.


“If he’s down there then I have to try.” Slate says.


The worker sighs.


“Okay but at the first sign of instability you will return no matter what.” The worker says.


Slate nods and climbs down the ladder.  After about a minute of climbing she drops to the floor.  She turns on her flashlight and looks around.  The machines seem intact.  Slate goes over and pushes a button that brings everything online.  Slate rushes over to the main console and brings something up.


“Thank god we always backed up all the data.” Slate says.


Slate smiles.


“Computer search for file Rusty-Slate 1.” Slate says.


She crosses her fingers.  The computer beeps as the file is found.  Slate yelps out in joy.  She takes out a data cube and inserts it.


“Computer transfer Rusty-Slate 1 onto data cube.” Slate says.


After a minute the computer stops.  Slate puts another cube in remembering orders to retrieve any vital information if the computer backup was found intact.


“Computer transfer all files listed in file Thorton.” Slate says.


After the transfer Slate takes both cubes and puts them in a fireproof bag.  She then shuts down all the systems.  Slate sheds a tear as all the computer systems go down for the last time.  She them climbs back to the surface where the worker is waiting.


“Did you find what you were looking for?” The worker asks.


Slate smiles and takes out the cube. 


“He will live again.” Slate responds.


One day later.


A new base is set up in the secondary Quarks lab that was never meant to be used constantly.  A computer console shorts out.  A scientist puts the fire out and frowns.


“These systems weren’t meant to be used as much as the main lab.” The scientist says.


“With Donovan working on them I’m surprised they worked at all.” Jenny says.


Donovan shoots her a look but says nothing.


“We have no choice.  We will have to upgrade while we can.” Slate says.


Slate goes over to a separate computer and turns it on.


“Hello?” A familiar voice says.


“Rusty?” Slate asks.


“Dr. Slate?  Where am I?” Rusty’s voice asks.


“You are okay.  We just did a backup of your core processor until we can build a better body.” Dr. Slate says, choosing to keep the truth of what happened from him.


“Why do I need a better body?” Rusty asks.


But he interrupts Slate before she can answer.


“Oh oh is it going to be grown up body?” Rusty asks.


Slate smiles.


“No I’m sorry.  We will probably just build one just like your old one.” Slate responds.


Suddenly one of the scientists lights up and rushes a data pad to Slate.  She looks at the screen and gasps.


“I’ll be right back Rusty.” Slate says.


She rushes into the other room, motioning for the other scientist to follow her.


“Is this what I think it is?” Slate asks.


“We encoded another part of the alien message.  It talks of a living metal, that can grow like living skin.” The scientist responds.


“Oh oh is it going to be a grown up body?” Rusty’s question echoes in Slate’s head.


“Can we adapt this for Rusty’s core processor?” Slate asks.


The scientist thinks and reads through the data.


“I think so.” The scientist responds.


Slate jumps for joy, surprising the scientist.


“He’s finally going to get what he always wanted, or in time.  Oh but I won’t tell him until we are sure.  I wouldn’t want to disappoint him.” Slate says.


Meanwhile in a military hospital…


Diana is lying on a bed staring up at the ceiling.


“I’m afraid that your spinal cord has been damaged.  You may walk again but it won’t be for along time.” The doctor’s diagnosis echoes in Diana’s head.


She tries to get out of bed but her legs collapse from underneath her.  She screams and throws a plant against the wall.  A nurse rushes in and helps her get back into bed.


“Please try to stay in the bed until the doctor says so.” The nurse says.


But Diana doesn’t respond and just lies there staring.  Later on the doctor finally visits.  He does a test with a small reflex hammer on Diana’s legs but she reports nothing at all.


“Patient has no feeling whatsoever in the legs even a week after the incident.  Recommend a wheelchair for now and some physical therapy after… a month.” The doctor says into his recorder.


Diana turns around and frowns at the doctor.


“Stop with the medical mumbo jumbo.  I am never going to walk again am I?” Diana asks.


The doctor frowns.


“The damage to the spinal cord isn’t extensive enough to be permanent but it will take time and effort on your part.” The doctor responds.


Diana takes an empty bowl from her breakfast and throws it at the doctor.


“Get out of here you quack!” Diana yells.


The doctor dodges the bowl and leaves the room.  A few days later she is finally released in a wheel chair.  Diana returns to her home and tries to get around her house.  But she realizes that her house was never really wheelchair friendly.  She tries to wash the dishes but can’t reach the sink. 


She tries to go to the bathroom but can’t get close enough to the toilet.  She tries to stand up again and falls down.  She finally cracks up and starts screaming and yelling.  This gets the attention of her neighbor and friend who comes to check on her.


“Are you okay?” The neighbor asks.


She gasps when she sees Diana on the floor.


“Oh my god.  What happened?” The neighbor asks.


“Get out!” Diana screams.


She throws a plant at the neighbor who leaves.  Diana gets herself up and into a wheelchair. 


The next day.


A visits Diana that morning.  He gives her flowers and a note from Thorton.


It says “I feel for what happened to you.  I hope you will be better enough to be a soldier again soon.”


Something about that gives her peace.  She takes the flowers and tries to put them on the counter but it’s too high.  The soldier smiles and helps her.


“Can you do me a favor?” Diana asks.


“Yes sir.” The officer responds.


“Can you take me shopping or have someone help me do that?” Diana asks.


She looks around her house.


“I need to upgrade some things.” Diana says smiling.


A week later Diana finally shows up at the military base where Thorton is.  Diana wheels herself into the main room.  One person claps slowly and eventually everybody claps.


“Welcome back soldier.” Thorton says.


Diana gasps as Thorton holds out a medal.


“Thanks to your bravery I am awarding you the medal of bravery.” Thorton says.


Diana blushes.


“Thank you.  But I am not brave.  I couldn’t even handle being a cripple.” Diana says.


“You aren’t a cripple.  You are just damaged for now.” Thorton says.


“Hey I can fix that.” Mack says.


Everybody laughs at that.


Meanwhile in dry dock the U.S.S. Darkhorse is being repaired and its front section is being rebuilt.  Dwayne leaves the ship after his check up and looks around.


“Hey stranger.” A female voice says.


Dwayne turns around and sees Melissa.


“Hey.” Dwayne says.


“I was given a bit of shore leave and I was going to go get wasted.  You know to help me forget what happened.” Melissa says.


“That’s funny cause that’s exactly what I was going to do.” Dwayne says smiling.


Dwayne and Melissa leave for the main bay area.  A dark shadowy figure is watching them and follows them discreetly.  They enter a bar and sit down. 


The figure enters and sits down in the corner.  Dwayne and Melissa order regular beer and sit.


“So I heard what happened to Quarks.  Nasty.” Melissa says.


“Yeah but at least we all survived.  I never did find out how they knew about the bomb far enough in advance to get out.  I asked Slate but she said it was better that I don’t know.” Dwayne says.


“It sucked what happened to the U.S.S. Darkhorse.  They say it will be months before she’s seaworthy again.” Melissa says.


“Well at least she is still intact.” Dwayne says taking a big gulp.


“You shouldn’t drink that much you know.  You don’t want to be too drunk.” A voice says.


“I can drink all I want.  I’m not on duty.” Dwayne says.


He looks up with a start and drops the glass when he sees whom the voice is coming from.  A mean looking man with a scar across his left eye is standing nearby with his fists clenched.


“Ah so you do remember me.” The man says.


“How could I forget.” Dwayne says.


He remembers when he was younger.  Fresh out of boot camp.   There was one soldier that seemed to have a grudge against Dwayne all throughout camp.


Young Dwayne is walking down the street.  He sees someone being mugged.


“Hey stop that!” Dwayne yells.


He rushes forward and gasps when he sees his rival.


“Stay out of this Hunter!” The rival yells.


“I don’t think so.  Is this what you call being a soldier?” Dwayne asks.


The rival shoves the man to the street and faces off against Dwayne.


“I warned you.” The rival says.


He takes out a knife and they get into a fight.  During the fight the knife slips and cuts the rival in the face.  He lies screaming on the ground.  Dwayne calls for a medical van and he gets taken in a police car.  But it is called self-defense and Dwayne gets off Scott free.  He never sees his rival again.  Until today.


“Spaz.” Dwayne says.


“You are going to pay for this.  All the time I spent in prison just made me want revenge more and more.” Spaz says.


He takes out a knife.  The bartend grabs his hand.


“We don’t want any trouble in here.” The bartender warns.


Dwayne starts to walk out when Spaz slashes at Dwayne’s back.  He draws blood and Dwayne yells in pain.  The bartender pulls out a shotgun.


“That’s it.  Get the hell out of bar now before I call the police!” The bartender says.


Spaz frowns and rushes out, stepping on Dwayne’s back on the way out.  Dwayne yells in pain.  A medical unit is called and Dwayne has his back looked at a military hospital.


“You’re lucky.  The knife didn’t cut any muscles but it came close.  I recommend some rest.” The doctor says.


Dwayne smiles.


“Just great.  That’s what I was doing anyway.” Dwayne says.


Later on Dwayne returns to the dry dock and watches the U.S.S. Darkhorse being repaired.


“I’ll be back.” Dwayne says smiling.


One year later…


A monster is attacking and the bgy-12 is fighting it with Dwayne at the controls.  The monster hits the bgy-12 hard and knocks Dwayne to the ground.


“Damn.  Come on you hunk of junk.” Dwayne says.


The bgy-12 stands up.  Suddenly a huge blast comes from behind and strikes the monster hard.  The monster falls back into the water.  Dwayne turns around to see where the blast came from. He smiles when he sees Rusty.  Rusty is now a little bit bigger than he was before and looks a little older.


“Thanks partner.” Dwayne says.


Meanwhile on the rebuilt and repaired U.S.S. Darkhorse Diana is zooming around the place like the wheelchair is a part of her body.  She looks over at Melissa and yells.  She wheels as fast as she can and stops Melissa from putting the wrong power rod into the slot.


“That doesn’t go there.” Diana says.


Meanwhile Mack is watching the whole thing and shakes his head.


“Some things never change.” Mack says.


Meanwhile a wreck crew is pulling the remains of the rebuilt bgy-11 from the ocean.  Thorton is watching the progress.


“Try to get as much salvaged as you can.” Thorton orders.


And beyond all of that lies a secret underground chamber.  A huge room where a secret meeting is being held.


“It is time for us to realize our destiny and reveal ourselves to the surface world.” A figure says.


Everybody on the ground floor cheers.


“We will claim our birth rite and become this world’s rulers!” The figure says.


The crowd cheers louder.


In the name of the NEO MACHINA…..