]-[ouse of the ]-[oly
Graphics by Xantios
Welcome to the temporary ]-[OUSE OF THE ]-[OLY guild site!  This guild is in no way, shape, or form a religious group.  The name is derrived from a Led-Zeppelin album.  We plan to be the most prestigous and notorious guild on Ogre Island, so if you are interested in joining (you must be at least level 10 to do so), then send your request to Xantios on the site, or if you see Xantios or Zen on the Island, talk to one of us about it.
Xantios needs your help!  Haha, I can't get some FLASH files onto the site... Dark Night said he let some online site do his intro for him (check out the GOE website on the Links page) but he doesn't remember the web address... if anyone knows any site or any way to put up these files onto geocities, I would greatly appreciate it...  The files are simple, the logos above (]-[ouse of the ]-[oly and the Four Symbols) are just the same as they are up there, but they fade in... They look really kool, so please help if you can!
Give your prayers to plexic...
Here's a sort of simplified version of what I started with bein turned into our guild flag... the last five are different graphics I made for the guild flag, only slightly different from each other... I want my members' opinions about these, let us know what you think of any of these as our flag and give suggestions...