Rachel's tomb (kever Ruchel)

Cave of Machpelah, tomb of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob >

Synagogue of the holy Baal Shem Tov/


The Baal Shem Tov: telling stories of the righteous is equivalent to learning about the chariot of G'd


Evidences of the holiness of the Torah

Fascinating true stories of holy Jews

Try it, you'll like it!

A minute representation of myriad true eye-opening events!


Happy birthday! The dawn of the Jewish people

Pure waters?

The importance of being earnest. An amazing bris! Who was he?

Put these words into your heartA sign upon your hand and a son upon your lap

You are what you eat, or you may become it. Why eat kosher? Stuffed chicken

The face of the Tzadik

Who is humble?

For Pesach: the importance of being earnest

The tree of life Signs of eternal life

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Click here for live view of the holiest place in the world, the Western Wall , courtesy of Aish HaTorah

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