The Lava Lounge Continued...
~ j
unior/senior year ~
Oooh! You're sooo cuddly and I'm so faded!  Here's the person responsible for the mess in my room HAHA!  Well, atleast he built shelves for me.  I think he spends more time here than at his own place.
Irene and at climbing Jumbo Rocks at Joshua Tree National Park.  Yeah...she was my roomie--well, practically.  It was a lot of fun...all that procrastination, Coffee Bean runs, and mp3 downloads... Having those stupid classes together made us a little wacko.  Haha I bet she doesn't miss sleeping on my floor though...hey it was tripled padded w/ sleeping bags!  "Get your head off my pillow!!!" ;)
My brother and his girlfriend Hue.  He lives in one room and I live in my own room so we hardly even cross paths.  I guess the refrigerator is the meeting ground.  I wouldn't say living w/ him is fun...but atleast I get my own room and he's pretty cool about me throwing parties and stuff.  Hue is cool! =D