Druid Television

Druid Television Summer Line-up

The A-Files
Mr. T and Colonel 'Hannibal' Smith
Mr. T and "Hannibal" Smith star in The A-Files.

The A-Files - The new drama from Druid Television. Our producers have brought together The A-Team and The X-Files. Murdock and Scully solve supernatural drug ring cases, among other things, sometimes thought to be undermined by the government itself, while outrunning the military for actions performed years ago. Mr. T as A.D. (Assistant Director) Baracus and Colonel John "Hannibal" Smith as 'The Cigar-Smoking Man'.

Pettey: The Tale of a Fish

Pettey: The Tale of a Fish - Pettey was a fish. Pettey was Paul's favorite fish. Pettey blew up like a big balloon. And then popped. This 60 minute documentary reviews the life and death of Pettey the goldfish and the conspiracy that lies within.

Pettey the Goldfish

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Just because your coat is shiny doesn't mean you have to lick it too.