Welcome to Jeff's


You're supposed to copy this entire e-mail and paste it onto a new e-mail that you will send. Change all the answers so that they apply to you. Then send this to a bunch of people you know INCLUDING the person who sent it to you. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little known facts about your friends. Remember to send yours back to the person who sent it to you. You never know what you will learn!!

1. What time is it?: 11:50
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate: Jeffrey Michael Bogdan
3. Nicknames: Kid, Weed, JB
4. Candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: 26

5. Date that you regularly blow them out? 12/2
6. Pets: Cool Cat, Bailey teh Cat, & Jake the ferret

7. Eye color: green
8. Hair color: blondish brown
9. Piercing: no
10. How much do you love your job? hahaha
11. Birthplace: Chicago
12. Hometown: Broadview
13. Been in love: yes

14. Single: yes
15. Been to Europe: no
16. Been toilet papering? no
17. Been toilet papered? no

18. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? yes

19. Been in a motorcycle/car crash? multiple...I'm a frickin' crash test dummy
20. Croutons or bacon bits? bacon bits
21. 2 doors or 4: 4...more room for chicks

22. Coffee or ice cream? COFFEE
23. Blanket or stuffed animal? blanket

24. Salad dressing: Italian
25. Color of socks / underwear: white/a wide aray of colors
26. Lucky number: 7 & 26 (I can have two...back off)

27. Favorite movie: tough....I love movies too...skippin' this one
28. Favorite quote: another tough one...anything by Steven Seagal..haha too hard to think
29. Favorite holiday: Christmas
30. Favorite foods: at this point, anything that's available
31. Favorite day of the week: Saturday
32. Favorite song: Wow...I love music...too many to list...maybe "In My Life"...The Beatles
33. Toothpaste: Crest/ Colgate...whatevers on sale
34. Restaurant: Luigi's
35. Flowers: Daisey's
36. Least favorite thing: work
37. Sport to watch: hockey
38. Fast food restaurant: McD's
39. When was your last hospital visit? ???
40. Favorite drink: Beer/Coffee
41. What color is your bedroom carpet:kinda of a shit brown
42. How many times did you fail your driver's license test: never...should have

43. What do you think of Oui Ja boards? CRAP
44. Where, how do you see yourself in 10 years? if not dead....hopefully successful and happy
45. Who is the last person that you got mail from before this one? Andy Riegler
46. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? no, they couldn't prove it
47. What is your favorite store? Best Buy
48. What do you do most often when you are bored? play guitar or watch TV
49. What words or phrases do you overuse? Fuck
50. Friend who lives farthest away? Andy...Chicago
51. Best thing: too many to list/ anything that involves sex(with women)..
52. Bedtime: 10:30
53. Who will respond the fastest: ???
54. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? everyone/ why the hell did I?

55. What time is it now? 12:00


cooter drank Jim Beam


studio jeff


    Not only does he front the Foam Rubber,
but Jeff is also an avid coffee freak.  He also
enjoys assembling jigsaw puzzles.