New Philly

I.C.E. Corp. City-state was nicked name New Philly because of its likeliness to the old Pennsylvanian city Philadelphia. New Philly is actually a sub terrain base deep with in the Alaskan territory. It houses 2 military manufacturing plants and a number of privateer owned manufacturing facilities. There are also different companies that has been created to serve the need of the people. New Philly has always been self sufficient with the coming of the Rifts. The City-State was designed so that 1 giga-ton bomb could have been dropped point blank on it and the city-state will still survive. All of the citizens of New Philly has considered themselves part of the old United States of America. The government within New Philly is not I.C.E. Corp. although it may seem to be. In actuality there is 1 huge governmental building in what would be the center of New Philly. The Federal Government of New Philly is the USA's government but it has evolved far beyond what it was before the Rifts. New Philly has just started to make Alliance with different city-states. They have not contacted the NGR or the CS because of the fear that New Philly would be under attack and destroyed because of its views on all creatures. They are afraid that the CS might attack them because New Philly does not have any offensive views against D-Bees, or any other creature on the Earth. Also because New Philly has a greater techonolgical advantage over the CS becuase they have exisited even before the CS was the CS.

Statistical Data:
129 Square Miles (334 square kilometers)
Permanent Citizens(circa 104 P.A.): 
Humans: Ordinary 35%
Humans: Psionic ability 30%
Humans: Trained in Magic 10%
D-Bees: Ordinary 10%
D-Bees: Trained in magic 05%
Supernatural Creatures 05% 

Armed Forces

New Philly is a nonhostile city-state, there for there is only about 3 dozen or so sentient Police officers in the actual City-State. But with the increase of its presence in the world, it has created a Mercenary city above ground. This is where most travelers enter when they think of I.C.E. Corp. or New Philly. Most of the Mercenaries know the true I.C.E. Corp.'s location and that New Philly is underground. The top leaders of the Mercenaries group are part of New Philly's Military defense force. The Mercenaries has named them selves Insane Creations Extraordinare's Mercenaries (I.C.E. Mercs.). The city of which they are stationed is called Fort Blizzard. The city has a high tech level and it is also a magic using community. Most of the Mercs. are given there own room, food and a salary of 2D4x100 Universal credits a month.