As you enter the ream of nightmares you hear a chaotic laugh. You wonder did you do the right thing? If so there is still time to turn back, if you do decided to turn back it shows either your weakness or your strength. However we of the chaotic dreams believe it is a weakness within you and will forever lable you a coward, while the other side, the lovely dream people will think it a strength.

Now you cannot turn back, the King of Nightmares has spotted you. If you try to turn back now he will catch you and keep you prisoner. Better to be his subject than his prisoner.

You walk every so closely to the shadowed figure believing the figure to be ugly and awful. However you are stopped in your tracts at his dark masculine beauty. Have you ever saw anything more beautiful and mystic?

The King of Nightmare asks in a cold voice, "What have you come to this land for?"

You reply, "I wish to be one of your subjects your majesty."

He raises his eyebrow and then asks, "Are you prepared for the test?"

You eagerly nod your head.

He smiles, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes, "Then Join us."

"Or perhaps you would first like to meet the others who work for me?"

You hesitate then nod and go see the Chaos Army

Once you have joined King Kane invites you to read his Diary