Seven Basic Steps For Making Charms

1. Find an object the somehow represents your goal
by it's shape, color or other quality.
2. Cleanse the object.
3. Charge the object (this is especially true of talismans)>
4. Bless the object by calling on a personal deity or
another Sacred power appropriate to your goal.
5. Work during auspicious astrological phases, if desired.
(This is necessary for talismans).
6. Create the charm using spells, incantations, or any other metaphysical
methods that will empower it for use.
7. Carry it with you regularly, or put it where the energy will
do the most good.

In considering what item(s) should become part of your charm, the final use of the token is of utmost importance. A token for your garden will need to weather the elements. Tokens for children need to be durable and nontoxic. Charms and amulets for pets need to be similarly sage and resistant to wear and tear.

It is generally suggested that personal charms be kept small. That was you can easily carry a variety with you to meet almost any need as it aruses. Don't overlook the potential in clothing either. A tie can bind mangic in it's knot, a scarf might be empowered as an amulet for health, and perfume or cologne can become a love charm. Get creative!

Second, after you've found the central object, it needs to be cleansed of any residual energy. Cleansing leaves you with a spiritually clean tool into which you can put the energies desired. To purify your token, pass it through the smoke from a purgaive incense (like rankincense, cedar or pine). Alternatively, soak it in salty or soapy water. If these options won't work because of the medium's sensitivity, visualise the object being filled with pure, white light that pushes out any unwanted vibrations.

Third, charge your token. Charging equates to filling the token with energy that's sympathetic to your goal. For matters of logic, reasoning, power, health, leadershio, and the like, leave the token in sunlight for several hours. The sun is associated with masculine attributes and the conscious mind. For matters of intuition, nurturing, psychism, emotions, inner transformation, and the like, leave the token in moonlight for several hours. The moon is associated with feminine attributes and the sobconscious or psychic mind. While the token charges up, you can chant, pray, or recite spells over it if you wish. This improves magical potency.

Step four is blessing. This usually takes the form of a deeply sincere prayer. Effectively, a blessing puts the token before the Sacred Powers with a stated purpose and requests that Divine favor be bestowed on the object and its purpose. By definition, a blessing is necessary for fetish creation, but optional for other charms.

Step five is also optional for all charms except talismans--that of working during auspicious astrological phases. Every hour of the day, each day of the week, every phase of the moon, and each sun sight can influence a charm's creation. For example, it might be best to make a charm to draw love during a waxing mon so love "grows." Or, you could make a talisman for improved judgement when the moon is in Sagitarius. In and our of iteself, timing won't make or break your magical work, but it certainly can help it along. A good astrological calendar will assist you in finding harmonic working times along with the chart below.

Now you are ready to finish the charm. The methods for completion depend on the object's use and your personal spiritual path. Use the techniques below as a guide to which you add your vision and inventiveness for meaningful and powerful results.

Thematic Correspondences

Full Moon: maturity, fullfillment, mastery
Waxing Moon: growth, integration, progress
Waning Moon: banishing, decreasing, halting
Dark Moon: rest, peace
Moon in Aries: enthusiasm, loyalty, sincerity
Moon in Taurus: faithfulness, affection
Moon in Gemini: versatility, improved perspective
Moon in Cancer: devotion, thrit
Moon in Leo: magnetism, romance, honesty
Moon in Virgo: generosity, recognition
Moon in Libra: grace, sociability, affection
Moon in Scorpio: pride, zeal
Moon in Capricorn: dignity, passion
Moon in Aquarius: detachment, optimism Moon in Pices: instinct, sentiment
Dawning Sun: new beginnings, hope
Noonday Sun: health, blessings, luck
Setting Sun: endings, completion
Sun in Aries: diligence, determination
Sun in Taurus: persistence, tenacity, friendship
Sun in Gemini: sensitivity, change, flexibility
Sun in Cancer: imagination, security
Sun in Leo: generosity, leadership, confidence
Sun in Virgo: levelheadedness, responsibility
Sun in Libra: charm, diplomacy, communications
Sun in Scorpio: shrewdness, keen-mindedness
Sun in Sagitarius: enthusiasm, tolerance, adventure
Sun in Capricorn: loyalty, practicality, accomplishment
Sun in Aquarius: creativity, self-expression
Sun in Pices: kindness, love, empathy
Once created, keep the token in an appropriate place. If you've made it for yourself, carry it or wear it regularly. If made for your home or the people who live there, put it near the hearth--the heart of a home. For friends, create the charm in the form of a decorative accent piece and give it to them as a gift with a note of explanation. For pets, put the token where they sleep or eat. For children, stuff it in a pillow or set it into a coat pocket. This way the charm can radiate magic where it will do the most good.

All information on this page was taken the book Wicca 2000 by Patricia Tolesco. This is a really good book, it contains a little bit of just about everything.