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Growing up in the Midwest inscribes us with many important values and we tend to take these values for granted. That is, until we spend some time in the liberal meccas that dot the coasts of our great nation. Our fellow Americans in New York, LA, Miami, Chicago, etc. look at life differently than most Midwesterners; just look at the results from the 2000 Presidential Election. Most of us never think of it this way, but we are really fly-over people. That’s how Bob Greene, the Chicago newspaper columnist and author, describes us in his introduction to Calling the Midwest Home, a introspective on the origins, attitudes, quirks and curiosities of America’s heartland.

"It means what it sounds like. We are the people whom the so-called power elite on both coasts fly over on their way back and forth to meet with one another ... They don’t even mean ‘fly-over people’ to be a particularly demeaning description, although of course it is ... What they don’t understand — what they will probably never understand — is that some of us like being people who are flown over. Because if you are a fly-over person, you by definition have your feet on the ground. It’s one of the inherent qualities that comes with choosing to live in the heart of the country.”

This page is dedicated to views that reflect my Fly-Over values. Thank you for reading.

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Thanks Mayor Coleman
Kiss my ass AmericaWest