Let us reduce your bills!

It is now possible for every electricity user in the United Kingdom to save money on electricity charges.

The electricity industry is highly competitive and  suppliers are seeking new customers in all sectors.



The amount you can actually save depends on various factors:

Location - Supply Profile - Annual Consumption - Payment Method - Contract Term

Some suppliers insist on payment by Direct Debit,  some suppliers insist on relatively long term contracts (3 -5 years) and some suppliers will only accept very high usage customers.  There are also also suppliers who look only to deal with clients of a certain Supply Profile - 03 Profiles & above or  maybe only 00 Profiles. There are even suppliers who choose not to accept domestic customers at all!.

The Utilicom Brokerage will analyse your bills and then scour the marketplace to find a supplier who best suits you the client.  We will find a supplier who will not only save you money but who will also deliver  a billing arrangement that is agreeable to you.  All you need to do is pass on a recent bill to us and we will set to work on your behalf.  We will find you the right supplier within 48 hours!

We do not charge you for our services. And no sales people will call on you!

Simply fax/post or email your latest bill to us and we will set about finding you the right supplier.

Fax : 0121 693 6942

Tel : 0121 693 6941

The Utilicom Brokerage
Celtic Court
Golden Hillock Road
B11 2PN

Email: thebrokerage@mail.com