Join us for Breakfast! Pick a spot...

Breakfast was originally enjoyed on "The Veranda" (in the station's back parking lot, or, as Von calls it, Saigon). In winter months, it sometimes moves to "The Breakfast Nook" (our hole-in-the-wall photographer's lounge). On occasion, we take a "Field Trip" (usually to Norm's, one of the last true 24/7 bars), or savor our Breakfast at "The Beach" (Les' pool).

Click here to to join us for Breakfast on the Veranda!

Click here to take the Field Trip to Norm's bar!

Click here to join us for Breakfast at the Beach!

Click here to join us for Breakfast with Killer Beaz! Our first celebrity Breakfast!

Click here to join us for Breakfast with "Blue" Lou Marini of the original Blues Brothers band!

Click here to play Toilet Paper Baseball!

Click here to go back to the beginning!