I'll be sending a Valentines Day card to my mum and my sister,whos eight.I don't have a girlfriend,but the kind of girl I would go for is someone whos very affectionate and easy to get along with.
We've got incredible fans and we do get alot of female attention,which we really appreciate.I've never snogged a fan,but I don't think theres anything wrong with it - they're people too.So far I've been really careful about who I get involved with.I've never had my heart broken,because I don't let myself fall in love with people unless I get to know them.
I haven't got a girlfriend at the moment.I tend to do my job which I love,and then go home to bed! If I did have a girlfriend our management would be OK with it because we can do whatever we want in our private life.I don't like girls using chat up lines on me - I think its easier to get friendly with a girl if you're both just chatting,but if they don't respond I won't run after them going. 'Ooh,please like me!'.I think its great if you find the right person and you want to get married and have children,but its not something I'd rush into -I'm only 18.
Love Interview 2