Just Chillin'
On your day off what time do you normally get up?
I'd love to say about that I wake up around 12 o clock or something and have a nice lie inbut the thing is,my body clock naturally wakes up the same time at about 8 o clock every morning.That sounds so square and I do try to go back to sleep and be a slob but I just can't.

Do you care about your appearance on your days off?
No not at all.I don't even bother to wash! You can always tell if I've got a day off cos I've got naturally curly hair and I have to straighten it for shoots and TV  appearances cos I hate it curly.I like having straight hair curtains and unfortunately that doesn't happen naturally.Maybe one day I'll appear with curly hair.I'll set the curls free,but for the time being I prefer my hair straight.

Are you a fan of daytime television?
No,I think its all poo! The daytime soaps are soooooooo bad.I don't mind stuff like Eastenders but stuff like The Tribe,have you seen that programme?! Its so awful! I do like Jerry Springer though,and hes on during the day.I just hate all those dodgy old cop shows.I have to confess though,the last time I watched Countdown,I played along! I came up with some very impresive long words like 'it' and 'and'.I think I'm abit of a natural!

A day off for you is probably the rare opportunity to go and do all the normal,day to day stuff..........

Well,normally I don't do anything.I'll go and see my parents if they're around,but usually I'll just stay in and relax.

Do you get a chance to do your own shopping?
I've got a supermarket just around the corner from me but its really embarrassing cos I always get recognised in there, and its always when I'm looking my worst.I've gone in there with my curly hair,glasses,looking really rough and I still got people asking me to sign their toilet rolls!