Ben In The Biscuit Tin!
When was the last time you were in hospital?
A very long time ago when I jumped on to the edge of a metal coffee table.I loved Garfield when I was small and my mum said,'Ben,Garfields on! and I ran and jumped on to the sofa but I missed and hit my head.Thats how I got this scar (points to a barefly visible scar near his right eyebrow).I had to go to casualty and ended up with stitches everywhere.

Now that you're famous do you still talk to your old friends?
Yes I do.We don't have time to ourselves in a1 because we're always so busy,but whenever we do get abit of time off I go home and visit them.I would like to see alot more of them,but everythngs a bit mad at the moment.

Do you belive in aliens?
I'm not sure actaully.I'd like to because its quite fun and spooky.I'm interested in things like the Loch Ness monster because its different and makes you scared.I'd like to think that aliens exist but I'm abit sceptical.But you never know do you?

Tell Us A Joke
(Smiles cheekily).OK.I'll have to think of a clean one.Why don't you say anything to someones thats trying to steal your gate? Because they might take a fence! Another one is,two piles of sick are walking down the street and one turns to the other and says,''I was brought up round here!''.Hahahahahahaha!

What is the 11th commandment?
To love a1,buy all our singles and believe in us.

What was your nickname at school?
I was actually really fat at school so they used to call me 'bubble'.And then that become 'bubble-07'.But now I've lost weight so I don't get called it anymore.

Have you ever felt like you were going completely mad?
Yes,once I was at school,I had the worst,worst time there.I hated it.Luckily I wasn't there long but it was a nightmare.I didn't like anyone,and no one liked me so I thought there must be something wrong with me.I'd been popular at all my other schools,so I couldn't understand it all.I thought I must be strange and I really did feel like I was going mad.
