Hey welcome to Baby Digital Neo's Site. Um, yeah, that would be me. Yup yup, this is a newly done site. (Note to the people who liked my other site better: The tacky Tweety just had to go... hope that doesn't break your heart too much!)
So this is it... my new site. It's got a lot of new information (that you might not give a care about) added about yours truely... *smiles* (Oh, and don't forget to sign my newly added guestbook!!)

THE REAL DEAL(February 26th 2004):
Hey people! Yeah, it has been some time since I've updated this page (actually, my pictures pages have been constantly kept up). I am now here in the beautiful island of Guam stationed on the infamous USS Frank Cable (AS-40). Its often (and affectionately) called "The Love Boat" (because first termer girls come here and get pregnant REAL too soon), "Building 40" (because we never go anywhere), "Shank Cable" (Don't ask me about that one), "STD-40" (I'm not joking on this one either), and "ASS-40". So all this... is also known as my "home away from home". This is where the Navy has put me. And this is where I shall stay, segregated from civilization, upon my completion of my tour here... but that won't be until March of 2006. Yowza!!! But I'm here for the long haul, so I guess I better get used to the Chamorro food, the only convenient place to shop is the ONE K-Mart they have on the island (No Walmart!!! This is crap!!!), and of course, the sweet aroma of people burning stuff in their back yards because they're too lazy to walk out of their concrete and tin houses and dispose of the waste materials in a proper garbage container. But I'm not complaining. The view is absolutely gorgeous! Palm trees everywhere, fantastic ocean view... but durrr! I'm on an island... what did I expect?! I mean, it aint everyday when the military tells you "Hey! You're going to Guam" and you haul ass to the nearest library to look up where "Guam" is on an atlas, only to find that the dot that indicates its whereabouts is bigger than the island itself! Wow. But I am alive! Oh! I almost forgot. You guys all missed my 21st birthday (which I had nothing to look forward to, since Guam's legal drinking age is 18...) but dont be so quick to go to expedia.com and book a ticket just so you can have a few Budlight - the ticket will cost you at least $1300 or more. Just wait til you're 21. Hmm, what else. Oh yes, I totaled my '96 Honda Accord (with the Vtec engine, phat ground effects and a hot 2 dr edition). Yes, I am a complete dumbass. However, I did get a Mustang out of it. So I guess its okay.


LONG LOST UPDATES!!! (Feb. 23rd 2003)
Wow, so its been almost a whole year since this site has been updated! Blows me away. Okay. So as you all know, all the hub-hub about me joining the Air Force (see comments below) never happened. Actually, it would have, but I changed my mind. I am now a proud SAILOR in the United States Navy. pretty weird how that all worked out, huh. I plan to add more pictures and stuff once I get home on leave and stuff, so keep checking it out, okay?! Well lets see here... the world might go to war. But that's been old news since a few months ago. Oh yeah, a huge hollar to my friend Chris M. who is out busting his buttocks right now on a ship in the middle of only Lord knows, waiting to go to war. We're all praying for you, Chris! As for me, I don't PLAN to go to war anytime soon. But who knows... its always what the NAVY needs, right? Right. Bootcamp was hell for me. But its not that bad, now that I look back (but then, its never always THAT BAD whenever you look back). Of course, I hated it while I was doing it, but at the same time, I'm very very very very relived that its over. But thats all for now. I hope you all have fun and BE SAFE!!! ~


NEW UPDATES!!!!!!! (Apr. 29th 2002)
Okali-dokali!! I havn't been updating my page as much as I planeed to (shame o me), but thanks to those of you checkin' back from time to time. Today is a very special day because of two events that happened exactly a decade ago. Number one - My baby brother (who is no longer a baby) was born 10 years ago. Number two - The Los Angeles Riot took place this exact date 10 years ago. And if you're wondeirng what those two have anything to do with eachother. My brother was born in L.A.!!!! So yeah, bad memories flooding back and stuff... (About the riot... not my baby brother). But I heard our prez Dubya Bush was making an appearance to reconciliate or in my words (relive) the terrors of that event. It was hectic! A real riot!! (No pun intended). Another thing - I have added a new picture to this site. But you won't be able to click on it automatically! *winkz* I just thought it might be educational to use your braincells on the internet (oh no!!). Okay, follow these directions and you will be able to see me (ahhhh) in a camo t-shirt. (ooooooooooh).. Okay here goes.
1. On your URL address line, highlight the "index.html" and delete it. If its not there, you can skip this process.
2. Type in the following after the forwardslash (/): Dgi2.jpg
3. Enjoy! :)~


HOLY MOLY!! YET... ANOTHER UPDATE!! (Mar. 4th 2002)
Alrightyyyyy!!! Debbie is slowly getting herself back on her feet again! (Thank God for that!)... the staff (1) of Baby Digital Neo's site is proud to inform everyone that she is finally getting a hold of reality again. Sure, there's been a lot of chaotic situations that seem to happen. But I am me. No one can change or manipulate a being to try to fit their criteria of what they want in a friend. I've learned a true lesson on who are truely my friends the past few days. There are those who might continually try to agitate me, but keep in mind, I am the Debbie.. and I won't be defeated!! (That sounds really really really lame - but so true!!)... So here's my closing thought: Be yourself, and don't let anyone tell you that you're not special and try to bring you down. If they like you, then of course, be their friend, but if they don't, don't make an enemy out of them - Just know in your heart that you are who you are. And for goodness sakes - BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF (believe me...I learned it the hard way)...
~ *h*U*g*S* *&* *K*i*S*s*e*S* ~


UPDATES!!!!! (AGAIN)... (Feb. 28th 2002)
Okay, MSgt Colucci... you are just jealous because this smartass of an asian is going to change the world someday... dramatically!!! I am, however, flabbergasted to hear that I have finally reached the TOP10 of your priority list. After all the endless phone calls and (my only) trips to the MEPS, you, as a recruiter, have done quite well. I think you should be like, the Recruiter of the Year or Airmen of the Year.. ever been nominated for that? Despite your sarcastic tone of your comment on my guestbook, I STILL like you!!! Just let me know when I get my DD Forms in - don't wanna fail yet, another physical!! mwahahahahahahahaha. By the way, thanks for putting my hysterical laughter of a hyena on speakerphone!!! But that Italian joke just killed me! Can't wait to see you back in Cali!! Till then --- your favorite flygirl, Debbie!!
[note to those who are confused about my tone - I am only being the smartass that I am, to the most wonderful recruiter in the world - who's miles and miles apart!!]


UPDATES!!! (Feb. 26th 2002)
Man, I think I'm addicted to writing here or something. Okay, I gotta do this... its the USAF Symbol thingy that some weird dude in Orange County sent me. His name's MSgt C-------! Fill in the blank... (you know who you are!!)... well, here goes!!

Pretty cool huh?! Well, I keep telling him to write in my guestbook, but he flat out refuses to. He has these priorities in life... and supposedly, I'm number 11 (that's a huge jump from 84,967,645,908 by the way). When I finally get the privilege of getting on his TOP10 list, then he'll get around to it. Even so, then... there is no promising he'll do anything.. *sniff sniff* I ADDED NEW PICS!! Actually, they are old-new pics. Whatever. They are pics from my past.. check it out on the second pic page or just click here. Welps, till next time... always remember that NO ONE COMES CLOSE and AIM HIGH...


WAIT WAIT!! Its too soon!!!! UPDATES!!! (Feb. 25th 2002)
Well!! Here I am again. Think its so soon for me to put up my monthly updates?? Well, think again!! Its my site!! AHHH!! Okay. First things first. I've been slipping under some severe hardships right now. Hopefully, you'll understand. I wrote a little something for a very special friend. His name? Patrick. Why? I have my reasons. How? I cried for hours and hours, so this one is coming straight from my heart onto writing. Where? RIGHT..... here.
I was not going to publicize this, but I can't help what I feel... and so it's truely coming from my heart. I shed many tears while writing this and hopefully, someday, somewhere, somehow, it will touch someone else as well. Thanks to those helping me cope with this issue...


ITS THAT TIME OF THE MONTH!!! UPDATES!!!! (Feb. 18th 2002)
Okay!! Sitting here at my friend's room updating this site... yes, I think I need someone to pat me on the back. *pat, pat, pat*...
So, what have I updated??? Well, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and I've added sound clips (eeeek!!). For those dying to hear what kind of tone-deaf voice I have... (hahahahaha).... And please, don't forget to sign the guestbook!!!
=^.^= *meow*
**** - PEACE!!! ****


UPDATES!!! (Jan. 1st 2002)
First of all... HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!! Its 2002!! Wooo hooooo!! Okay, back to biz... so, yeah, I've been slacking off a bit... okay, a LOT... on updating the page, I know, I know, I know!! I already have guilty consciences, so don't rub it in! LoL. Actually, I've been away for college (yay) and havn't found the time (or the computer) to update my site. But see? Now it's obviously updated. I added new pictures and fixed some errors that you guys have been complaining about on my Just For Fun section. Once I find the time, I'm going to eventually make this page into a flash site with a lot more features and stuff. In the meantime, I whipped this page up in about 20 minutes and was originally just a home for my pictures for people who were wondering what I looked like (yeah, and now you wish you hadn't!! lol). But I guess you all had other plans. Thanks for checking out my site.. and PUH LEEZ don't forget to sign the guestbook!! I'd love to hear from you!!
*~ Peace!~~


WANNA HEAR ME SING??? HERE'S A FEW CLIPS!! (Just don't go deaf!!):

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