Sherry ran from the thing - Mr X - but there was nowhere left to go.
"Claire?" Sherry couldn¡¦t see her because Mr X was so big, like all monsters were.
"The monster¡¦s after your pendent throw it to me!"
Sherry threw the pendent but Mr X didn¡¦t follow as he had a thousand times before. He continued after her and he rose his hands high above that cold inhuman face and¡Kthe phone started ringing.
Sherry opened her eyes she wasn¡¦t a twelve-year-old girl any more she was twenty-four living in her own apartment White Umbrella had been finished for years. The phone was still ringing she answered it. Silence not even breathing.
"Hello?" Maybe she was still dreaming. "Is anyone there?"
"Hello traitor Birkin. Betrayer of Umbrella." It sounded like man but Sherry couldn¡¦t tell though all distortion.
"I don¡¦t know who you are, but Umbrella killed my parents, and Umbrella are as dead as they are. Goodbye!" Sherry went to press the phone hook down.
"Don¡¦t hang up yet! You may be right about those traitors but Umbrella isn¡¦t as dead as you think!"
"Why are you telling me this!" Sherry managed to keep her voice rising, just.
"Because there is nothing you can do. Goodbye Miss Birkin." The Voice hung up.
Sherry stared at the phone in her hand. Doing nothing she knew she should be phoning Claire or even driving down to see her in person - if the voice was right the phone could be bugged - or at least changing out of her PJ¡¦s but she couldn¡¦t do nothing but stare at the phone. The time spent in Racoon fresh in her mind again, all the time she was scared for Leon and Claire as they continued to fight Umbrella without her. The aged look on everyone¡¦s faces when Umbrella finally fell. How could they fight Umbrella again? If they did have to she could help now she was old enough. But would I live though it? Sherry wasn¡¦t a little girl any more she knew how many had died fighting Umbrella including her father, but he was doing it to protect his loved virus the one he and her mother loved more than her but it had destroyed them in the end. Claire had told her what had happened to her parents when she realised that Sherry was old enough to understand. Sherry wasn¡¦t a little girl any more and she had to stop acting like one.
She put the phone down and got changed; she was about to leave when the phone rang again. She stood by the phone torn between leaving for Claire¡¦s place and answering. She picked up the receiver after the seventh ring.
"Jill. I¡¦m Glad it¡¦s you." Sherry couldn¡¦t hide the relief in her voice.
"Sherry" Jill sounded concerned. "Did you have a Phone call earlier."
"Yes, why?" Now Sherry was getting really worried.
"Sherry get out. Get out now! And don¡¦t go near you bike! GO NOW!"
Sherry dropped the phone and grabbed her jacket and bag as she ran out the door. She heard the muffled explosion when she had made it down two flights of stairs. She looked back up for a few moments it sound strong enough to damage the building¡¦s structure. Just gut my apartment. She carefully made her way back up and sure enough her home was where the explosion had come from. The door was blown out and when she looked in everything was black ash there was still a few flames here and there.
"What could have done this. When could he have rigged this." Sherry felt dizzy as another realisation hit her. Jill knew. Jill had known that there would be a bomb here but she couldn¡¦t have known unless¡K
"This happened to the others it must have happened to everyone who helped stop Umbrella. And that means. Claire!"
Not just Claire, but Chris, Leon, Carlos, Rebecca Ark, maybe even Lott and Lilly! Even Barry, in Canada with his wife. Cool it Sherry. Don¡¦t jump to conclusions get to a pay phone and get the facts from Jill. Jill said not to use her bike it could be bombed too. She felt in the pockets of her jacket, it was the same one that Claire had given her, and pulled out the photo. She looked at that little girl and her parents. That photo and Claire¡¦s jacket were the only things sherry owned when she and the others had got on that train. Where the jacket had been looked after like a treasure the photo had been put in it¡¦s pocket and forgotten about, looking at it now Sherry decided that she should grow her hair out a bit she was looking way to much like her mother.
"The dream, the phone-call, my home, the photo." How many more bad omens were coming to tell her that today was going to be a bad one?
Carlos was not having a good day. He had been woken up from a half-remembered nightmare by a phone call saying he was a monster for betraying Umbrella. Then Claire had phoned telling him to get out of his flat and go to the hospital. Just after he left his flat blew up! When he arrived dazed at the hospital Claire met him there and she told him to wait for the others. Claire explained that she had a wake up call like his except that she had been told that there was a bomb in her house. Claire was going to continue the story when Jill came from another part of the hospital.
"Hi Carlos." Jill wasn¡¥t smiling not a good sign. "Claire, Ark said that he¡¦d get Lott and Lilly for us. Do you want to phone Sherry."
Claire nodded at first then changed her mind. "Can you do it? I want to wait for news."
"Okay, but make sure I¡¦m not left in the dark."
A few minutes later Jill came back her face sick with worry.
Sherry was sitting on the pavement out side the apartment building firemen and he police had arrived but for some reason they hadn¡¦t even talked to her. It was very fishy and she wanted nothing more than to leave but she knew that Jill, Claire or someone would be coming to check on her soon. She just had to wait. Sherry wasn¡¦t disappointed it wasn¡¦t long before she saw Jill and Carlos come round the corner.
"Jill! Carlos!" Sherry ran up to them. "I¡¦m glad your okay, what about everyone else?"
"Everyone we¡¦ve phoned in time are fine..." Jill trailed off unsure about how to continue.
"Some of the guys, that helped us beat Umbrella got bombed ether in their homes or cars the explosives weren¡¦t that powerful, most of them will live, about twenty were bombed. Ten got away unharmed Four didn¡¦t make it." Carlos finished.
Sherry looked away. Why? Umbrella was done, finished. Four people were dead because some maniac decided to start things up again.
Jill put her arm over Sherry¡¦s shoulder. "Come on we¡¦re all meeting at the hospital to discuss what to do."
"Who¡¦s at the hospital?" Sherry asked.
Claire, Leon, Chris and Rebecca. Ark, Lott and Lilly should be there be now too. Barry called from Canada to let us know he¡¦s fine. We phoned David and John. Their fine too, thankfully."
While Jill had been talking she and Carlos had led Sherry to car. Jill and Carlos sat in the front leaving Sherry alone in the back. It was too quiet in the car. Sherry didn¡¦t want to think because her mind kept counting names. Carlos said ten were fine. That included Barry, David and John. But including Sherry Carlos and Jill there would be ten at the hospital. Thirteen altogether, too many. Three must be hurt and Jill had tried to shield her from it or perhaps it was worse. They had out right lied to her and they were dead.
Sherry felt weak kneed as she entered the hospital. After Raccoon her aunt had raised her but she had always thought of Claire and the S.T.A.R.S. as her family and now at least three of them were hurt, or dead. When she was in the car she had looked in her bag to see what it was she had saved from the bomb. There was only her wallet and her old scrapbook, she had kept a record of her life after Raccoon in it. News paper clippings, photos her own thoughts about what was happening. When she had pulled it out she opened it to any page at random. It was a page she had titled ¡¥Celebration of the end of Umbrella¡¦ it was covered in photos of the party they had together. In the centre was a photo of everyone, the S.T.A.R.S. Claire, Leon, Carlos even Aunt. Ark Lott and Lilly were there too. John had brought them all t-shirts he had got printed for them they all had a shattered Umbrella logo and ¡¥I SURVIVED UMBRELLA!¡¦ on them only John wore his in the photo but everyone else had one waving it like a flag. Looking at the photo it was all Sherry could do not to start crying. You can¡¦t kill a nightmare.
"Sherry?" She looked up to see who had called her.
"Claire!" Sherry gasped as Claire ran up and grabbed her.
"I was so worried about you." Claire still treated Sherry like a child sometimes but right then, at that moment, she didn¡¦t care. "Come one everyone is in ward seven."
Sherry followed noting a sign that ward seven was the burns unit. Well what did she expect?
She entered the ward just behind Claire. There were six beds three were empty and another two had the curtains drawn around them. Ark and Lilly was sitting by the sixth bed. Sherry recognised Chris asleep in it. He looked better that she had been imagining.
"About time you came." Said a voice, Sherry turned to she Lott with a tray full of coffee cups behind her.
"About time you came back with some coffee. I¡¦m dying of thirst here." Chris¡¦s sleepy voice said. Claire ran up to her brother. Sherry guessed that he hadn¡¦t woken up since the bomb. Yet Sherry couldn¡¦t stop worrying about the beds curtained off. Leon and Rebecca? Were they okay?
Chris¡¦s brain felt a few sizes to big for his head. As he opened his eyes he saw everyone in the room with him he was about to ask what they were all doing in his bedroom but he realised that this wasn¡¦t his bedroom, not even his house. It was then he became aware of his other aches, and his memory returned.
Putting the phone down. Hearing a ticking, Looking under his bed. Seeing the bomb, Running.
The window. The explosion, Blackness.
Someone else entered the room and Chris saw what he was carrying. I hope that¡¦s what the doctor ordered.
"About time you came." Lott said as he entered behind Sherry.
"About time you came back with some coffee I¡¦m dyeing of thirst here." Chris said smiling at all the surprised faces. And Claire running up to give him a hug but as soon as her arms were around him as he gasped out in pain.
"Chris!" Claire exclaimed. "I¡¦m sorry. Your ribs¡K"
"It¡¦s okay not your fault. Did any one else get a phone call from mister maniac?" Chris asked.
Slowly they all nodded, Chris noted who wasn¡¦t there. Barry was in Canada John and David were back in Exeter. Who else were missing? Need more time to wake up. Finally the answer came.
"Where¡¦s Leon and Rebecca?" He saw the looks of uncertain looks on the faces of his friends and sister. "They are okay aren¡¦t they?"
"They will be." Claire told him he saw Sherry taking notice of what Claire was saying. "They were bombed too. Rebecca was in her bed room when her bomb went off in the study" What Claire had said wasn¡¦t lost on Chris. Rebecca usually fell asleep at her work in her study if she had today she would have been dead.
"And Leon?"
"He found the bomb in his house and tried to get out like you did but ended up worse off than you did. They¡¦re still asleep, in the other beds." Carlos said nodding at the two beds that were curtained off.
Chris tried to sit up but Claire pushed him back down, too easily for his liking.
"Claire," Chris said. "How am I suppose to talk to you all if I¡¦m flat on my back?" The second time he sat up Claire let him. "So I guess everyone else got bombed too."
Everyone nodded. "Except for David and John, I guess they were to far away." Jill explained. "And Barry was on holiday so he¡¦s fine."
Chris nodded glad that his long-term friend was okay how old was he now sixty?
"Who do you think is behind this?" It took a few seconds to realise that someone had spoken. Everyone was looking at Sherry, that girl - no woman - was pretty quick of the mark considering her home had been blown up this morning. Like his. Like everyone¡¦s.
"Well?" Chris asked. "Anyone got any ideas?"
Sherry looked glad to have the attention of everyone drawn away from her as they began thinking; Lott was the first to speak up.
"How about if he was an employee?" He asked "He would have lost his living and felt betrayed."
Carlos shook his head. "Not that many people were happy working for Umbrella, and those who were didn¡¦t know about white umbrella and quit when they found out."
"Rebecca would be the one to ask but didn¡¦t the viruses have some kind of healing abilities?" Claire ventured. "Maybe some swat read up on it and thought that we had destroyed something that could have been used for good if given the chance."
"That sounds good." Jill agreed. "Chris?"
"Well the only thing I can think of is Wesker." Chris admitted.
"He¡¦s dead." Jill said flatly.
"He came back from the mansion didn¡¦t he." Chris said back. "I know its stupid but" He shrugged "it¡¦s the only thing I can think of."
"Ark what do you think?" Lilly asked. Chris had forgotten she was there she, had been so quiet.
"I don¡¦t know, some kind of intelligent B.O.W.?" Chris saw everyone even Ark himself shudder at the thought.
"Hope not the dumb ass¡¦s were bad enough." Chris said after a few long moments of silence. They had come across intelligent and semi-intelligent B.O.W.¡¦s before and had almost died each time. And with himself Leon and the Resident genus out of the fight and the others to far away to help the odds seemed a lot worse now than they did then.
Chris¡¦s brain felt a few sizes to big for his head. As he opened his eyes he saw everyone in the room with him he was about to ask what they were all doing in his bedroom but he realised that this wasn¡¦t his bedroom, not even his house. It was then he became aware of his other aches, and his memory returned.
Putting the phone down. Hearing a ticking, Looking under his bed. Seeing the bomb, Running.
The window. The explosion, Blackness.
Someone else entered the room and Chris saw what he was carrying. I hope that¡¦s what the doctor ordered.
"About time you came." Lott said as he entered behind Sherry.
"About time you came back with some coffee I¡¦m dyeing of thirst here." Chris said smiling at all the surprised faces. And Claire running up to give him a hug but as soon as her arms were around him as he gasped out in pain.
"Chris!" Claire exclaimed. "I¡¦m sorry. Your ribs¡K"
"It¡¦s okay not your fault. Did any one else get a phone call from mister maniac?" Chris asked.
Slowly they all nodded, Chris noted who wasn¡¦t there. Barry was in Canada John and David were back in Exeter. Who else were missing? Need more time to wake up. Finally the answer came.
"Where¡¦s Leon and Rebecca?" He saw the looks of uncertain looks on the faces of his friends and sister. "They are okay aren¡¦t they?"
"They will be." Claire told him he saw Sherry taking notice of what Claire was saying. "They were bombed too. Rebecca was in her bed room when her bomb went off in the study" What Claire had said wasn¡¦t lost on Chris. Rebecca usually fell asleep at her work in her study if she had today she would have been dead.
"And Leon?"
"He found the bomb in his house and tried to get out like you did but ended up worse off than you did. They¡¦re still asleep, in the other beds." Carlos said nodding at the two beds that were curtained off.
Chris tried to sit up but Claire pushed him back down, too easily for his liking.
"Claire," Chris said. "How am I suppose to talk to you all if I¡¦m flat on my back?" The second time he sat up Claire let him. "So I guess everyone else got bombed too."
Everyone nodded. "Except for David and John, I guess they were to far away." Jill explained. "And Barry was on holiday so he¡¦s fine."
Chris nodded glad that his long-term friend was okay how old was he now sixty?
"Who do you think is behind this?" It took a few seconds to realise that someone had spoken. Everyone was looking at Sherry, that girl - no woman - was pretty quick of the mark considering her home had been blown up this morning. Like his. Like everyone¡¦s.
"Well?" Chris asked. "Anyone got any ideas?"
Sherry looked glad to have the attention of everyone drawn away from her as they began thinking; Lott was the first to speak up.
"How about if he was an employee?" He asked "He would have lost his living and felt betrayed."
Carlos shook his head. "Not that many people were happy working for Umbrella, and those who were didn¡¦t know about white umbrella and quit when they found out."
"Rebecca would be the one to ask but didn¡¦t the viruses have some kind of healing abilities?" Claire ventured. "Maybe some swat read up on it and thought that we had destroyed something that could have been used for good if given the chance."
"That sounds good." Jill agreed. "Chris?"
"Well the only thing I can think of is Wesker." Chris admitted.
"He¡¦s dead." Jill said flatly.
"He came back from the mansion didn¡¦t he." Chris said back. "I know its stupid but" He shrugged "it¡¦s the only thing I can think of."
"Ark what do you think?" Lilly asked. Chris had forgotten she was there she, had been so quiet.
"I don¡¦t know, some kind of intelligent B.O.W.?" Chris saw everyone even Ark himself shudder at the thought.
"Hope not the dumb ass¡¦s were bad enough." Chris said after a few long moments of silence. They had come across intelligent and semi-intelligent B.O.W.¡¦s before and had almost died each time. And with himself Leon and the Resident genus out of the fight and the others to far away to help the odds seemed a lot worse now than they did then.
"So what do we do?" Lott asked.
Lott and Sherry were constantly surprising Chris. He kept thinking of them as kids but they kept asking the same thing he was thinking. Well they went though this as kids. They don¡¦t have to get over the shock of zombies. No matter how many zombies Chris had killed he still couldn¡¦t believe that¡¦s what they were.
"I can go on the net." Lilly offered. "See if I can find any thing."
"That¡¦s right" Sherry cut in, "He might have one of those shrine websites."
"This guy mist be working from somewhere." Lott added. "Lilly see if you can find out if someone has been pulling electricity to one of umbrellas trashed labs."
"All of Umbrella¡¦s labs were completely destroyed." Chris said as he caught up with the kid¡¦s, not kids he reminded himself, train of thinking.
"He or she could be working at home." Jill stated. "How would we find this maniac then?"
"He¡¦s a maniac isn¡¦t he? He¡¦ll be trying to rebuild the ruins of Umbrella. He¡¦ll be trying to fix a lab and lets face it he¡¦s had enough time to get at least one operative." Carlos said.
Everyone turned back to Sherry who was staring at the floor beneath her feet.
"What do you mean ¡¥No¡¦?" Carlos asked.
"He wants to rebuild Umbrella yes, but he wants to rebuild the power, the wealth. He wouldn¡¦t be able to do that under Umbrella¡¦s name and he wouldn¡¦t be able to do it if he wasted time on sentiment like rebuilding one of the labs."
"Sherry?" Claire half whispered. "What are you saying?"
Sherry looked up her eyes burning. "Lilly look for new companies that stared up after Umbrella¡¦s fall." Sherry turned to Claire. "He would have his own lab and resources. His own company, he¡¦s gonna remake the viruses and sell the B.O.W.s he makes to the highest bidder. That¡¦s where the wealth will come form, the power will come from the fact that under this knew name he-"
"Or she..." Jill interrupted.
"Or she," Sherry agreed, "thinks we will never find him."
Everyone was staring at Sherry a few with their mouths hanging open. Chris included. Sherry looked back down squirming under the pressure.
"Okay." Chris said at length. "Lilly you got all of that?"
Lilly had turned up a pen and pad from her bag and after she had stopped staring at Sherry she checked the list she had written. "Got it. I-I¡¦ll also check the news websites for reports of Cannibal murders."
"I doubt you¡¦ll find any." Sherry said. "This company will not repeat the same mistakes Umbrella."
"No." Lott added. "It¡¦ll make all new ones."
"You certainly a paint bleak picture." Ark said. Chris defiantly agreed with him.
Lott and Lilly left to find an Internet cafe to get access to the web. Lilly had become a quite profound at computers it wouldn¡¦t take much of a jump for her to crack into other computers to get the info they needed. Lott had won awards on the shooting range. Both of them were useful but Sherry didn¡¦t know what she could do. Apart from come up with a prophesy of doom. Nobody was happy with what she said, her most of all. She didn¡¦t even know where the idea came from. She wanted to peek though the curtains surrounding Leon and Rebecca but she was too afraid of what she might see.
"Sherry?" Claire turned from the discussion and turned to her. "Are you alright?"
"I suppose." A bare face lie Sherry felt sick to her stomach. The nightmare was starting again but now Mr X would be smart and she was awake. Claire¡¦s grip tightened on her shoulders.
"I see you have taken care of my angel." Claire said talking about the jacket she had given Sherry in Racoon. "She¡¦ll keep an eye on you for me." It was a daft thing to say it was just an angle printed on a jacket, but it still made her feel better even if it didn¡¦t do any real good.
"Claire what are we going to do?" She asked.
"We¡¦re going to find Mr Maniac and kick his butt!" Sherry looked at Claire unbelievingly. "Don¡¦t you believe me? I kicked Mr X¡¦s butt didn¡¦t I?"
Sherry grinned which was the last thing she expected to do. "Yeah, with my help."
"And you helped us again, we would have never have thought of another company. That¡¦s good thinking." Claire said. "But while we talk it over we need some place to stay."
Sherry had the feeling that they were still trying to protect her but she nodded and said she¡¦d find a B+B.
That night Ark and Claire stayed at the hospital. Sherry had found a bed and breakfast that agreed to take them in. It was a much harder task than She had expected it to be and there were only three rooms. Which was part of the reason for Claire and Ark staying at the hospital. Carlos and Lott were sharing the first room Jill was on her own in the second and Sherry was sharing with Lilly. Lilly had gone back to her apartment with Lott to see if there was anything left to salvage at first it didn¡¦t look like it but then Lilly had heard a beeping and after a while they found her laptop warning that the battery was low. After charging it Lilly started her search Umbrella shrines turned up a blank. It had to, that would have been too easy. So had looking for reports of cannibalism, which Lilly was surprised at so now she sat up in the bed that wasn¡¦t hers on her computer with Sherry watching over her shoulder.
"I doubt we¡¦d find anything about BOWs on the net." Lilly said. "So I guess we try your idea now."
Sherry and Lilly gaped at the number of companies that had started up since Umbrella¡¦s demise no matter how she tried to narrow the number down it stayed to big.
"I think we¡¦re going about this the wrong way." Sherry said. "If it wasn¡¦t for zombies Umbrella would never have been found."
"But we have already tried that." Lilly reminded her.
"I know, I know." Sherry muttered pacing the room. "This company wouldn¡¦t repeat mistakes¡K"
"Sherry lets get some sleep and work on this in the morning." Lilly said as she began to sign off.
"No wait!" Sherry grabbed Lilly¡¦s hand. "What did Lott say, in the hospital. When I said that this new company wouldn¡¦t repeat Umbrella¡¦s mistakes?"
"He said that they would make new ones." Lilly said. "Sherry you need some sleep, me too. Your not acting your self."
"Lilly please, listen. This new guy if he did end up with zombies on his hands he would hide them exterminate them without the public finding out." Sherry was specking too quickly, she was doing this off the top of her head.
"Yeah I got that but how will that help us?"
"Look for missing people. Mass fatalities, and make sure they¡¦re accidents."
Lilly done as told and found what Sherry was looking for. Reports of ten missing people and a report of a chemical plant explosion with an unspecified number of deaths. Both in the same town.
"Where?" Sherry asked getting excited.

"Some town called Lincoln." Lilly told her. "I¡¦ll bring up a list of pharmaceutical companies there."
"Get their logos too." Sherry said and Lilly did so. As they scanned though the list Sherry was shaking her head.
"What¡¦s wrong with them?" Lilly demanded.
"Nothing, that¡¦s the problem." Sherry had completely lost Lilly now. She decided to stop asking questions. "Lilly what other type company would own their own labs?"
"I don¡¦t know. Computer producers, hospitals I suppose. Cosmetics companies. People who make cleaning agents." Lilly counted the suggestions on her fingers.
"Okay add them to this list then eliminate all those who aren¡¦t connected to that chemical warehouse." All the hospitals and pharmacies disappeared from the list as did most of the cosmetic companies. Sherry studied the list like a heron watching a river. There were five companies. Town and Country Cleaners. Spotless Homes. No Bugs¡¦ Computer Chips. Perfection Cosmetics, and True Beauty Cosmetics.
"Right now bring up their connection to the warehouse." Sherry said.
The cleaning companies and the computer company only stored chemicals True Beauty Cosmetics owned the warehouse until three months before the ¡¥accident¡¦. Perfection Cosmetics had bought it from them.
"Bring up the cosmetics logos." Lilly had already done so before Sherry could finish the sentence.
True Beauty¡¦s logo was just some woman¡¦s face plaster in make up that Lilly thought simply looked daft. Perfection¡¦s logo wouldn¡¦t have seemed foreboding to anyone else but Lilly knew this was what Sherry had been looking for. It was a phoenix with its wings spread wide with a shield in its chest.
"The phoenix the symbol of rebirth and a shield for protection. Just like an umbrella shields us from rain." Sherry was saying. "Lilly I think we¡¦ve just found Mister Maniac."
"Yeah." Lilly agreed but what do we do about it.
Sherry stretched and yawned before crawling in to her bed. "We see if we can get some sleep and tell the others about this in the morning and see what they have to say about it." Sherry pulled the blanket over her head.
Lilly looked up at the clock. It was one am and she knew there wasn¡¦t much chance of getting any sleep tonight. She looked at Sherry in the other bed and didn¡¦t think Sherry would either.
Claire thought Lilly and Sherry must have been up all night looking at the dark circles under their eyes. They were explaining how they found the new Umbrella.
"But what gave you the idea of looking for missing persons and fatal accidents?" Carlos asked.
"Lott." Sherry said.
"Me?" Lott exclaimed.
"You said that this person would make new mistakes." Sherry explained. "Umbrella¡¦s first mistake was not clearing up the zombie¡¦s before they got in the news."
Chris and Jill were both nodding, if Umbrella had cleared the zombies before they had started killing they would have never gone to the Spencer estate, would have never found out about umbrella.
"So Mister Maniac as Chris has christened him would be very neat killing anyone who got infected probably even before they turned if he could. But he would need to dispose of the bodies and some victims would eventually be reported missing. That¡¦s their second new mistake."
"What was the first?" Jill asked.
"Letting us know about him." Sherry said simply.
"You done good Sherry," Ark said "but are you sure that this Perfection Cosmetics is the new Umbrella."
Both Sherry and Lilly nodded. "But it wasn¡¦t me who found them it was Lilly." Sherry told them.
Lilly was sitting in a chair in front of Lott who mussed up her hair in a show of affection, but his face was grim. Lilly yawned and tried to smooth her hair back down as she shot an angry look at Lott who shrugged.
"So now what?" He asked.
Sherry shrugged as she sat onto the corner of Chris bed.
"Tell the police?" Claire asked.
"Do you think the police will be able to do any thing?" Jill asked.
Carlos shook his head. "Maybe we should take things into our own hands."
"But everyone knows about Umbrella now couldn¡¦t we just someone more professional handle it." Lilly had a desperate tone to her voice.
"We have no proof that Prefect Cosmetics is Umbrella." Chris said. "If we could just find something to give the police..."
"What¡¦s this ¡¥we¡¦ talk. You are bed bound Chris." Claire sounded as if she was talking to a child not her big brother.
"If we¡¦re just after proof maybe we could go and have a look around." Ark said slowly.
"No!" Both Lott and Lilly said in unison.
"No. No don¡¦t."
The voice was so timid and meek that for a moment no one recognised it until Claire noticed that Sherry had fallen asleep on the end of Chris¡¦s bed.
Claire touched Sherry¡¦s shoulder. She woke with a start.
"Sherry you okay?" Claire asked. "You were talking in your sleep."
"I¡¦m okay Claire." Sherry said sleepily. "What did I say?"
"Nothing really. Just ¡¥No¡¦." Lott said.
"Oh, did I miss anything?"
"We were about to vote on weather or not we were going to investigate Perfection or not." Chris said.
"Do I get a vote?" Said someone from the doorway.
"Barry! You came down from Canada?" Chris asked.
"Well I couldn¡¦t let you have all the fun." Barry ¡¥s face hardly shared the same mirth as his words.
"So how are we going to vote..." Chris said.

"Daniel hide, go!" Said Dr Cera.
"But-" Daniel Started.
"Go!" Link told him. "If she finds out about you we are dead!"
The other scientists in the room agreed with them, And so the man Daniel climbed though the air vent in the ceiling and was away.
After awhile he thought he smelled burning.
She wouldn¡¦t destroy the lab, would she?

Chris woke to footsteps.
"I¡¦m sorry sir but you can¡¦t..." There was a thud and the girls voice was silenced. Though the open doorway Chris saw her limp hand fall against floor. The hand was pulled out of view.
"Mr. Redfield?" A man said.
Chris closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.
"Mr. Redfield?" This guy had a definite English accent.
He opened his eyes, slowly and acted groggy. "Yeah?"
"I¡¦m Criminal. I¡¦ve always admired how you stopped umbrella and I just wanted to met you."
"Pardon?" Chris couldn¡¦t believe his ears. "You serious."
The man shrugged. "What can I say. I¡¥m English. Sarcasm is my speciality."
A knife fell out of his sleeve in to his hand.

Alexia¡¦s right had man had a problem.
"Are you sure they are coming here?" He asked.
"Ye-yes sir." Said the other man, his radio name was Beast. His real name had escaped the bosses mind for a while not that it mattered. "They just booked in to a motel out of town.
"Have they had a look at us." Dam Alexia, she should have left well enough alone instead of playing games.
"Yes although they didn¡¦t stay long."
"Tell Link to set up the fun house. Then you can go." It was clear that he wanted to go, everyone hates their boss especially when he was considered Pure Evil.

"Alexia where are we going? I¡¦ve never been to this part of the lab before." Said a sixteen year old girl.
"This is Fu¡¦s lab." The tall blond woman ahead of the girl said.
"You mean Danny Fu the man making my bodyguard?"
"I¡¦m glad you¡¦ve been paying attention yes he¡¦s the one making Damon. But I think he may have done something silly." Alexia explained.
"Why are you bringing me?" Alexia didn¡¦t usually take her when she was ¡¥disciplining¡¦ bad scientists but she could guess what happened to them.
"Because, dear, I think your old enough to learn how to treat those who betray us."
The girl thought Alexia was more of a mother than her real mother was. That woman had been dead for more than ten years now. Alexia had killed her when she had tried to stop Alexia from giving her daughter a great gift. The same T-Veronica Virus that Alexia herself had in her blood. Yet she had never been shown how to use the abilities that Alexia seemed able to use on instinct.
Alexia was going to show her today.
The girl smiled...