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QUIMBY 4 PRESIDENT HAS MOVED TO: http://quimby.alltoons.co.uk/

March 5-
Fan Art page is up! 1 fan art of Quimby in Vietnam (he was NOT in vietnam so don't get confused! He was a PUSSY!). I also told Romanov at Cape Feare about this, I hope my fan art will be in his site. I know the fan art looks like a grabpic, I actually edited it in PSP and changed it into a "Fanpic" (A word I just made up, its a grabpic of a fan art...lol).

March 4-
Support page is up! Got 2 support buttons, don't comment on why I did the support page first... I was lazy.

March 3-
Added a new grabpic (this one was made quickly, so no harsh comments). 3 grabpics on Quimby 4 President now! Going to start working a little bit on the biography page.

March 2-
One new update... changed the menu thing because the Cape Feare Town Hall members said the "mini-menu" was too far down. Well thanks, I changed it so now it replaces the "main-menu". Also added one new grabpic.

March 1-
Vacation is over... and Quimby 4 Prez just got its first grapbic! Many thanks to everyone who have been waiting for the content to start building up. Haven't got a chance to upload some fan art. I will do so though. Also I made a Episode Guide on the episode, "Mayored to the Mob"

February 29-
Ok this will be definitely the design... I hope. Well, I added a disclaimer to the bottom and fixed some more errors. I'm going to start working on the content now and maybe finish the design later. Ok I created each page but most are empty or with 404's.

February 28-
Some new updates- changed font to Arial, added a bottom and top to the main table. Once again, thank you everyone at Maggied for giving me these tips! And forget what I said earlier, I will be changing the design a little.

February 27-
Like the brand new design? I just made it with some css style sheet tutorials. Now this will be the official design. I will now start to work on the links and stuff. Thanks for everyone at the maggied.com forum for support and help! Special thanks to Cape Feare for helping me with errors and design!