The Pagan Heart

Index of Seasonal Festivals


December 2004: Winter Solstice

January 2005: Oimelc - An Fheill Bhride
            New Year's Day

February 2005: Isidis Navigatum - Festival of Isis
            Valentine's Day
            Juno Februa

March 2005: Festival of Ostara - Wheel of Fire
            Cracking the Shell
            Anna Perenna

April 2005: Akitu and the Festival of Inanna
            Worshipping the Underworld: the Chthonic Deities
            Hekate's Day

May 2005: Frigga Blot
            Sheela na gig

June-July 2005: Summer Solstice
            Holy Day - Personal Reflections of the Festivals We Celebrate: Midsummer Reflection
            Alban Hefin
            Egypt's Wep-renpet - the New Year
            Ukon Juhla

July-August 2005: The Opening of the Mundus Cereris
            Odin's Ordeal
            Holy Day - Personal Reflections of the Festivals We Celebrate: Lughnasadh
            Holy Day - Personal Reflections of the Festivals We Celebrate: Rugiu Svente
            Holy Day - Personal Reflections of the Festivals We Celebrate: Norse Midsummer

August-September 2005: Greek Harvest Time
            Alban Elfed - the Druidic Autumnal Equinox

September-October 2005: Samhaine
            Festival of Willows in honour of Astarte
            The Meditrinalia
            Holy Day: Samhaine

November-December 2005: Saulegriza, the Lithuanian Solstice
            Kupoliu Svente - the Lithuanian Midsummer
            Midsumarsblot - the Asatru Summer Solstice Blot
            Ta Kat' Agrous Dionysia - The Rural Dionysia
            History's Eye: A Number of Winter Festivals
               ~ The Festival of Sokar & The Rebirth Celebration of Nehebkau
               ~ Yuletide
               ~ Dies Natalis Solis Invicti
               ~ Haloa & Lenaea
               ~ Victory Feast of Horus
            Celtic Path - The Winter Solstice
            Holy Day: Yuletide in the Home of an Irish Saxon

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