Anyone who knows my Aunt Barbara couldn't help but notice the striking resemblence between herself (in her 'red period', of course) and this tippling bovine.

Little Big Horn goes literal at the Seaport.

You can thank Rudy, say the Republicans, for the booming tourist industry in New York City. But you just gotta wonder WHERE exactly he's getting these tourists from.

I guess the 'no swimming in the fountain' rule doesn't apply to this happy sunbather.

How appropriate. Ohhh saaay can you seeeee....

This pirate's Molly's favourite...quite....errrmmm....nautical. Very apropos in the Seaport.

Got milk? She does. But what's with the police lines? Don't the boys in blue want us to have healthy bones?

The cows aren't the only animals being loosed on the city this summer. Who let THIS dog out?

