Hunter S. Thompson

Hunter S. Thompson, aka "Doctor Gonzo" is one of the most original and exciting fiction writers of recent times. As the creator of "Gonzo Jounrnalism" he has developed entirely new ideas of literature as well as writing cult classics such as "Hell's Angels" and "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas". His works have shocked the establishment, unsurprisingly, since they are huge iconoclastic literary headtrips, packed with drugs and guns, conducted in bizarre, idiosyncratic language. But his talent has been lauded by such writers as Tom Wolfe, who declared : "There are only two adjectives writers care about any more..."brilliant" and "outrageous"...and Hunter Thompson has a free hold on both of them." Wolfe also described "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" as "a scorching epochal sensation."

This page contains a biography of Hunter as well as features on his most famous books, and links to Gonzo sites.