The Southern Bells (The six southern beauties that never fail to thrill)

Southern Bells

Previous Appearances:

The Groove Summer Sensation

The Southern Bells are:

Nina, Jucy Lucy (on loan from the Trio from Rio), Nikki, Marie, Kerry, Claire & Laura

The Story so far..

The Southern Bells originate from the deapest darkest west country. The Southern Bells were assembled through Bobby Speed's and Chico Pantolones west country conections. They formed an integral part of Stevie Splendours Summer Sensation show, where they certainly showed the Norfolk crowd the bueaty that can come from the West Country. Although they haven't appeared in one of Stevies show's for a while, one thing is for certain and that is that Stevie, Dick, and in fact all the boys, certainly can't wait to work with them again.

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