special message from organizers of 'In Apolo's Name'
thank you all!

Dear...Apolo fans,

Congratulations, grand kudos, and universal gratitude are yours.

As you know, because of your generous donations and unyielding support for the In Apolo’s Name project, we (Apolo fans) were able to raise more than $10,000 in Apolo’s name for Ronald McDonald House Charities of Western Washington before the end of the campaign on Dec. 31, 2002.

In fact, you raised a grand total of $11,037.22. Yep. 22 cents!

Via your efforts 1) we were able to give a surprise ever-lasting compliment to Apolo with a room named after him in the new Seattle Ronald McDonald House; 2) we secured a piece of history for ourselves with a paver leading up to the new house reading “In Apolo’s Name Project 2002”; and 3) we told the world there are things in this world still worth caring about.

The RMHC is thrilled with what we have done, which is set a precedent for grass roots fan fund raising. They will refer to us often as “the little fan project that could.” We didn’t drag in big names or deep pockets that would have taken away from the fans. Despite the tough economic times, with fan site support and word of mouth alone, we did it. Be proud of that.

Just like the end of a play, graduating from school, or finishing the last page of your favorite novel, we know the end of the project leaves us all a little melancholy. We had some good times working on the project and that’s hard to let go. So, as a cyber monument to us all, Velma will maintain the IAN site throughout 2003, including updates on the progress of the new RMH and any news or effects stemming from the project.

Currently, the site has a slight new look, information (i.e. the letter the RMHC sent to Apolo, the paver certificate, etc.), and navigation to communicate the success and end of the campaign. www.oocities.org/inapolosname

We are still hosting the IAN email address for questions or if you just want to say, “Hi.” So, we hope we can all stay in touch. inapolosname@yahoo.com

You were a part of something special and unique, so here’s to you! May all the good things you put out in the world come back to you tenfold.

Your friends, Velma & Racci
