
This page contains a small selection of the images taken by the group. If you are interested in using or obtaining a copy please contact the author directly or use the contact page to get in touch. We only display low resolution thumbnail images on the pages, higher quality are available.

The copyright of these images belongs to the author and they may not be reproduced in any form without the prior permission of the author.

This is a selection of group members work.

Competition winners and associated images

November 2003/2004 The 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in the Slide Competition
17 February 2002/2003 The 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in the Monochrome print competition
2 December 2002/2003 The 1st,2nd and 3rd places in the Open Slide competition

Submission Guidelines

I'm more than happy to set-up a page for any current group member subject to the following restrictions.

  • The files need to be in a format that Photoshop 7 will handle.
  • They need to be cropped, levelled, balanced. I will re-size them to the standard size, maintaining aspect ratio, and compress to required format.
  • Filenames CANNOT contain spaces (replace with underscores '_') or any unusual characters.
  • The easiest way is to burn the files to a single directory on a CD and hand the me the CD. Please do not E-mail me 30Mb plus files. You can have the CD back, but I will have to store the converted images on my PC and on the web server.
  • The images will be attributed to you so ensure that you do have the copyright for these images.
  • The web site has a limit on files space so we may need remove files and generally juggle things around if space gets a bit tight.