This is just a page to get to know me a little bit more, and see just how I tick. Enjoy!

Mother, Sister, Brother and a brother in law, 4 nieces, 1 nephew, and an father was killed in a car accident back in Jan. 1997

2 cats & dog

Favourite Music Group:
The Backstreet Boys (Yes I know there not around anymore, but I don't care, I like them. And I know people will laugh, but what kind of music do you listen too? I'm sure I'd laugh at your choices as well)

Favourite Colour:
Purple and second is Black

Favourite Movie:
Dirty Dancing, The Faculty,Pearl Harbor and my newest favourite...Chicago!

Favourite Food:
Seafood, Italian and Chinese. I do like other foods, however, those are my top 3.

Favourite Board Game:
Trivial Pursuit

Favourite TV Game Show:
Family Feud

Favourite TV Shows:
Roseanne, Friends, The Simpsons, ER, Everybody Loves Raymond, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, etc.

Roller Coasters -- Scary or Exciting:
Exciting, there awesome

Chocolate or Vanilla:

Favourite Ice Cream:
Mint Chocolate Chip

Thunderstorms--Cool or Scary:
Very Cool

Zodiac Sign:
I am an Aries

Favourite Non-Alcoholic Beverages:
Rootbeer, Cream Soda , Dr. Pepper and Pepsi

Favourite Alcoholic Beverages:
Sambuca Shooters, Alabama Slammers, Fuzzy Navels, Beer, Singapore Slings, Margaritas, Smirnoff Ice, etc.

My Dream Car:
A black Pontiac Sunfire GT (Right now I drive a 1992 Cavalier)

What I usually wear:
Black or Blue jeans, red jacket (in winter), sweater/blouse, black shoes

Coolest Day of My Life:
Having Queen Elizabeth II come to my school (Sheridan College) and seeing her. She was only 5 feet away from me, that was cool.

What I like to collect:
Porcelain Dolls, angel and unicorn figurines

Look for in a guy:
honest, caring, loving, faithful, will spend time with me, will love me, passionate, affectionate, sensitive yet strong, trustworthy, cute, doesn't hit women, preferably non-smoker, sweet, outgoing, likes to dance, doesn't use drugs, drinks only socially, etc, etc.

My Personality:
sweet,honest, loving, caring, helpful, a good listener, trustworthy, non-materialistic, loves spending time with my guy, like to cuddle, like to kiss, artistic, creative, poetic, can be bitchy at times :), romantic, very mature and the best friend or partner you would ever have
