Due to no one having any time for this site, I unfortunately have to close this place down indefinately. I'd like to thank Jackov for sticking through the tough times, especially when the colums came in late. I'd like to thank JMR for bringing the funny and his love for the Yankees. I'd like to thank Justin F for telling the world just how it is, F'ked up.

I also decided to close this knowing everyone has better things to do in life and has other commitments to take care of. This was always a last priority thing and I wanted it that way so it would remain a minor issue. It's not to say I would have liked to see this site be more active and a growing community for fans.

Maybe someday 4EW will make a comeback, maybe someone else will pick up the pieces and build a new better, faster, stronger 4EW Community. Who knows but them. Thanks for the memories guys, it's been good. The CBox will remain up for who knows how long, so post away.

-Jesselee (Jason Krowe)