Ornaran Language
Ornaran l is predominantly a mono-syllabic language. These monosyllables are referred to as base words. Base words can be compounded together to form new words and meanings. The composition of the compound is imperative to meaning as different combinations commonly give different meaning.


Restaurant is said as shop-food
Restaurant food is said as food-shop
Butcher shop is said as shop-carcass
Warp Drive is said as machine-energy-mix-particle-opposite

The language also uses a number of prefixes and suffixes to indicate case, status or opinion or feelings.

There are  41 cases. (I suggest that if you be a nerd like me then view the case pages, otherwise, do not bother.)

Opinion and feeling are compounded to words by a prefix or suffix. A prefix denotes the speaker’s opinion/feeling toward the object. A suffix denotes the object’s opinion/feelings or a commonly held position.

Word order is not really important for sentence construction. The order of words usually appears as object-verb-subject; subject-subject’s adjective; verb-adverb. However, only compound word meanings are important in word order.

Some words can be influential on word compounds such as the word “very” can change the whole meaning of the word.


A Foreigner is said as people-strange

An Alien is said as people-strange-very

A strange foreigner is said as people-strange-strange

A strange alien is said as people-strange-very-strange

A very strange alien is said as people-strange-very-strange