Ornaran Culture
Arts and Culture
Since the Ornarans have been focusing on the acquirement of felicium for the past 200 years, Ornaran arts and crafts for aesthetic purposes have suffered. It is only in recent times has Ornarans begun to re-examin old art forms.

Ornarans have never been very oppulent in style or attire. Most Ornarans have simple tastes in clothing textures and fashions. Nari silk is often used in making Ornaran clothging for formal occasions, however,  most families use this textile to make silk cloth for export.

Ornarans celebrate an International Flag Day annually. This event celebrates the unification of the Ornaran people. Traditional cloth and now Nari silk flags are displayed in homes and shops representing the different countries, guilds, etc. Ornarans will have parades, feasts and parties for three days, while consuming vasts amounts of alcohol. See other
Ornaran Festivals.
Ornarans while greeting each other will stretch their right hand and bring their pointer fingers together at a distance of roughly 5 cms. After which an energy burst will emanate from Ornaran's fingers and fuse for about 2 seconds. Married couple in greeting will use their whole hand but this is never done in public. With greetings involving Ornarans and other races, the Ornaran will choose the other race's traditional greeting.

Ornarans enjoy lots of conversation people. Are not easily offended by most topics of conversation. See taboos below. It is considered strong of character to be generous to family, friends and strangers. Wealthy individuals will often distribute their profits to even the most distant of relatives. Ornarans prize the virtue of charity above all else.

Ornarans will normally eat seven small meals a day. Most Ornarans believe that this custom came to be as an excuse to converse with family and friends frequently. Ornarans have a instinctual fear of being alone, and will often seek out the company of others over being by themselves for long lengths of time. This is also why the Nari have become favourite companions among the Ornaran people.

Ornarans are religious people. They believe in eight Gods/Godesses Whom created the universe. Worship is usually private. However, there is one religious festival whicj is a public event. For more information, see
Ornaran Religion.
Ornaran culture has many different taboos. Although in recent years there have been progressive Ornarans who have constant contact with other races, and thus, have adapted to being unoffended.

Ornarans do not like to disscuss felicium, their past addiction to it or about the Brekkans who had them addicted to it. Ornarans will avoid this topic unless they are comfortable with the outsider.

Ornarans are very sociable and generous people. They view a strong bond between food and friends. Meals can go on for hours while the conversation flows. However, if an Ornaran offers someone something to drink or eat, they are offended if that person refuses their generosity. They view the refusal as a clear statement of the said person dislikeing them. Ornarans accept all offerings of food/drink but do not feel obliged to eat it. 

Ornarans do not display affection in public, this includes touching of any kind. Conservative Ornarans are also embarrased by other races displaying their affections in public. Most Ornarans, however, are tolerant of greetings from other races that involve touch.

Another taboo is sleep. Ornarans find personal shame in viewing another person sleeping or being themselves asleep where anyone can see them, even close family members. As families in rural areas generally sleep in one room, a canopy is used while sleeping. A canopy is constructed onto the bedhead, and a dark drape hangs down to their torso, obscuring others' view of the sleeping occupant. Married couples do share a bed, this however is never discussed between the couple.. 

An Ornaran marriage has two phases. The first is considered a preliminary period of 14 months. This is the time where the couple decide if they wish to marry. If the wife falls pregnant during this time, it is heavily frowned upon by Ornaran society. After 14 months, the couple can choose to seperate for good or to have the official wedding cerimony. Once the marriage is official, divorce is illegal. For more information,see
Ornaran Marriages .