o Do dolphins see in color or in black and white?
They could since they have cone cells like us, but no one proved it yet.

What is a dolphins habitat like?
Bottlenose dolphins inhabit the pelagic zone as well as harbors, bays, lagoons, gulfs, and estuaries.
In the northwest Atlantic, there seeem to be at least two ecotypes of the bottlenose dolphin. They can be differentiatedby skull and body measurements as well as by characteristics of their boold.
         In general, the costal ecotype seems to be adapted to warm, shallow waters. its smaller body and larger flippers suggest increase maneuferability and heat dissipation. These dolphins frequent harbors, baysm lagoons, and estuaries.
         in general, the offsore ecotype seems to be adapted to cooler, deeper waters. Certain characteristics of their blood indicate that this form may be better suited for deep diving. Its lager body helps to conserve heat and defend itself against predators.

can a dolphin kill a shark?
yes, they have seem it in the wild.

o Do dolphins have leaders or dominate dolphins in the pod? If so how are they brought to this possition?    They cooperate with each other, but there may be a social hierachy.  
o Would a dolphin ever hurt another dolphin?
yes they can scratch one another with their teeth as the most violent normally they only leave superfitial marks that heal fast.

o How fast can a dolphin swim. 21-35khp  

o The calf emerges tail or head first?Tail