Dolphins are small toothed whales, from the group of cetaceans (from the Latin word cetus, meaning large sea animal) that includes whales and porpoises.
                   He is heroic, able to save drowning people. They are always in poems and songs. Since Greeks dolphins have been considered a mystery, a perfect cousin for us. Dolphins always helped man and they always have been friendly, we have a lot of legends and stories saying this:
                   In Plutarch's book On the Cleverness of Animals and explanation was made of Odysseus worship of dolphins. Apparently Odysseus' son, Telmachos, fell into the sea and was saved by a dolphin. "And this was why his father had dolphins engraved on his ring and emblazoned on his shield, making his requital to the animal". A more familiar occurrence is mentioned in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. Arion, a rich poet and musician had his life threatened by pirates on board his ship. His last will was to sing one last song, and since he must die, he wished to jump overboard, taking his own life. After a very high-pitched, long, whaling song, Arion jumped overboard. But he did not drown. A dolphin carried him about 200 miles to shore. The Greek people say that Arion was not a god and that this is true and happened while Pereander was king (about 60 years BC). Historian Herodotus and others also recorded this incident.

                There is a Greek legend that shows that the Greeks did consider the dolphin more than just a fish: Dionysus, god of wine and frenzy, was mistaken and to be sold as a slave. He was aroused to anger and changed the rowing oars into snakes. When the men felt "madness" coming on they leaped overboard, turning into dolphins. This is how the first dolphins were created, and why dolphins always help man.

                 In present day, man has started working with trained dolphins. A famous example of this is Tuffy, a trained porpoise that carried messages to Sea lab I. He was by far the fastest means of transporting materials back and forth, as it took him only nine seconds for the round trip. Tuffy even rescued a simulated lost diver who called the dolphin with a buzzer.            