New Age Philosophy
Humans have always searched for meaning.  Every generation in every era of history and in every location in geography has examined its surroundings and mind to explain the importance and value of human life.  Some have turned to religions, others have depended on science while still others have delved into individual mysticism in an attempt to discover the answer to the perennial questions, “Who am I?  Why am I here at this time and in this place?  What is the meaning of life?”   We are living in an era and in a place.  It is up to us to formulate a Philosophy of the Twenty-First Century.  In the last twenty years of the Twentieth Century a world-wide philosophy emerged which has come to be called New Age Philosophy.  Will this school of thought be satisfying and need-fulfilling for us?  Let us explore and ask ourselves the questions, “Is this new thought, modified thought or ancient thought?   If we are living in a New Age world, can we embrace it?  Can we reject it?  Should we do either?”   The mind is man’s favorite plaything.  Let’s play!
The Mystical Cosmos
My Favorite Links:
Roots of the New Age
Philosophy/Meaning of Life
Deep Thought: A grounded appoach to the New Age
A Lesson Plan
Introduction to Philosophy Instructor
Name: P. Burr
Email: <