Fruits are not only tasty, but healthy, as they are rich in vitamins, minerals, and other nutritious substances. But some fruits contain substances harmful to the human body, so it is necessary to be careful when selecting from the wide choice available.

Fresh pineapples contain a special protease and 5-hydroxyptamine. The latter make blood vessels (especially those in the brain) shrink, which may cause headaches and a rise in blood pressure. That is why some people experience headaches after eating too much fresh pineapple. Some people are even allergic to pineapple; after eating only a little, their skin may turn red and itch, and their limbs, mouth and lips become numb. They may also feel bilious and vomit, or develop severe stomach-ache. In cases of extreme pineapple allergy, difficulty in breathing, the onset of shock and even death may result. It is easy to avoid such abnormal situations. First, people who know they are allergic to pineapple should avoid this fruit.

Second, cut the pineapples into small pieces and soak them in cool salt water for 20-30 minutes before eating them. The salt water dissolves and eliminates the harmful substances. Nevertheless, eating too much pineapple should be avoided in any circumstances.

Bananas are sweet and soft, and high in calories. But people with weak stomachs should not eat too much of this fruit, for the carbohydrates can ferment in the stomach, causing a bloated feeling and diarrhoea.

Sugarcane and lychees contain large amounts of sugar. If too much is taken on an empty stomach, the body may absorb too much sugar, resulting in a sharp rise in the blood's osmotic pressure and possibly causing "high osmotic coma".

If we eat a tangerine on an empty stomach, the large amount of sugar and organic acid it contains will stimulate stomach mucous, causing stomach ache and stomach distension.

Persimmons contain certain substances that easily react with hydrochloric acid in the gastric juices, depositing sediment. Too many persimmons taken on an empty stomach will cause the sediment to accumulate and form stones that will affect the digestion. The stones may block the exit of the stomach and cause acute stomach expansion.