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March, 23th:

Updated again! I finally got around to adding that X-Men\Dark Angel cross-over that I've been writing with Lomas. . . . It's in the X-Men section under 'Avenging Angels'.

I also finally worked on my poor, neglected teen-horror again. I swear I'd rather bugger around writing Takaris than something that I can actually get published. As a result, there's a new chapter to "A Story For Alice Grey" under the original fiction section.

Also, I added updates for the abomination that masquerades my Heian Era Takari. I swear, only I would think about writing a story set in Medieval Japan with the thoroughly modern cast of Digimon. And then would be obscurely pleased that Takeru's seiyuu comes from a rural prefecture because it justifies making him a peasant. I'm a nutcase.

(Apologies to Yamamoto Taisuke, whom I simply adore, for that. He's quite my favourite seiyuu. I'm seriously considering selling all my worldly goods to be at the Digimon Memorial Concert. All my favourite seiyuu are going to be there - Takeuchi Junko, Kazama Yuuto, Kamiya Hiroshi, Kiuchi Reiko and obviously Yamamoto Taisuke . . . Oh well, knowing Toei, there will be the Live CD. And maybe even the live video. ^.^;)


Love and Patamon Cuddles,
Karen-chan! ^.^