Anadrol 100 tabs (oxymetholone) - $200

Dianabol 100 tabs (metandienone) - $45

Clenbuterol 100 tabs (spiropent) - $50

Methyltestosterone 50 tabs (methyltestosterone) - $15

Proviron 20 tabs (mesterolone) - $18

Essentiale Forte (germany) - $20

Deca-Durabolin (200mg/2ml Norma-Grece) - $13

Parabolan (76/1,5ml Negma France) - $18

Pregnyl (HCG 5000 IU) - $17

Winstrol depot (50mg/1ml Zambon Spain) - $12

Primobolan depot (100mg/1ml Schering Germany) - $12

Testoviron depot (250mg/1ml Schering Spain) - $12

Sustanon 250 (250mg/1ml Infar India) - $12

Testosterone Propionate (5mg/1ml Terapia) - $5


Just e-mail us your order and we will reply with some instruction on payment, shipping and others.
Payment method is Western Union Money Transfer, the fastes and the safest way to send money.
Shipping is $25 with TNT private agency and it takes anywhere 2-3 days for the package to arrive.
You do not have to worry about the safety of the package, we will take care of that.
If you order gear for over $250 you will receive 100 tabs of Dianabol for free.
Every product that you see on the list is on stock all the time.
If you do not wish to order, please do not contact us. Don't make us waste our time.
You can order as small as you want just to see, the products are real.
Thank You for your cooperation!

E-mail us your order now:

If you have questions about stacks, cycles, dieting, steroids please e-mail to our partner: