Make-up Tips.
  There is so much I could say on this topic but I shall try to keep it as simple as possible for the beginners, as you advance down the road of transgenderism you will experiment I am sure. Cheap regular cosmetics tend to be too light and thin to be of much use. The best reasonably priced one I have found Is the L'oreal range which both Melanie and I use, so normally when I go to use it is has all gone, that is one of the pitfalls of having an understanding wife. *grin*
    Beard coverage is an area that there are many products around for but I suggest you experiment in this area to see which suits you best. The L'oreal foundations are a good place to start, unless you can afford the Dermablend collection, their powder is excellent as it will set the tones nicely. You can also try a Translucent powder which is cheaper but which will still give good results.


    All make-up is a matter of personal choice, although the rule of the thumb is to choose a foundation that matches your skin tone as closely as possible. I would always suggest a slightly darker shade which would help to hide small blemishes, but you must make sure that you blend well into the hairline and if you are wearing a low-cut dress make sure that you blend it below the cut of the dress.
    To apply preferably use a natural sponge and make sure that it is slightly damp. Allow the first layer to dry before adding more to the 5 o'clock shadow area. You are now ready to apply a set "powder" leaving this on for 3 to 5 minutes, then brush away the excess with a large face brush.
    You are now ready to apply the rest of your make-up which we shall now take step by step.


    Do not choose a heavy red, a couple of shades darker than your foundation will normally be adequate. Brush along the cheek bone. You can always add a little all over to give your skin a healthy glow.


The shape of your eyebrows would normally be thicker than a real girl, the best thing to do is to pluck them over a period of a few days taking a few out at a time until you obtain the desired affect. If you want to use an eyebrow pencil to shade; use sparingly applying it with an eyebrow brush to soften the look starting from the center of the face working outwards.


    Always remember to bear in mind the colour of the outfit you will be wearing. Use a darker shade for the eyelid blending out to lighter shades on the upper part of the eye. If you feel that you want to accentuate the eye use an eyeliner pencil and smudge slightly with a foam applicator or a cotton bud. Then apply your mascara of false eyelashes. When using mascara, apply one layer and allow it to dry then brush using an eyelash comb before applying the second layer. Any over spills can normally be dabbed away using a cotton bud.


Lipstick will stay on better when applied with a lipbrush, although I have heard that if you powder the first coat before applying the second one it will also help it to last. If the lipstick blurs onto the skin use a lip pencil first. You do not have to stick to one colour of lipstick, you can try mixing and matching your own shades.


    Well, I said I would keep it as basic as possible and I hope you find these tips useful. Please remember if at first you do not succeed in achieving the look you desire, start again. Practice does make perfect eventually.

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