Yet Another Gillian Anderson Page
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  • 27/12/98 - We're back online!!!!
  • 22/10/98 - Site taken offline at old server

Gillian in Brief
1. Gillian has an open mind about the supernatural and even believes that she knew her husband in a previous life.
2. Gillian admits that she is sometimes freaked out by the strange audience The X-Files commands.
3. When she was a rebellious teenage dating a musician, she had her first taste of appearing on stage, when she sang backing vocals with her boyfriend's punk band. A friend recalls: "She had a rather squeaky voice."
4. A few years ago, Gillian returned to North London, the area where she was raised, and found herself in for a culture shock. "I felt repressed anger," she recalls of the atmosphere she sensed on the streets. "Brits are supposed to be terribly represses and refuse to talk about their feelings."

Where am I?
This is will be a mirror site for Yet Another Gillian Anderson Page. Some of the pages are not yet fully online. This is an un-official website dedicated to the actress from TV's The X-Files. For details about Gillian then check out the section below or the biography which can be accessed above. For the latest up-to-date info then try forthcoming news section.
This site is owned by Dominion Web Pages and is brought to you by the same author as The Kate Winslet Web Site and is designed by Dominion Web Design.

Who is Gillian Anderson?
Gillian Anderson is an award winning American actress who plays Special Agent Dana Scully in the hit TV series and films such as The Mighty and The Turning. The X-Files has recently released a film (Fight the Future).
Check out the Biography for a more detailed description

About this Site
This site is an unofficial Gillian Anderson web site. It first went online on 6th August 1998.
For the last revision date and version number always look at the bottom of the main page and please observe the copyright notice.

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Yet Another Gillian Anderson Page

[ Copyright © 1998-1999 Dominion Web Pages | Designed by Dominion Web Design ]
[ All rights reserved | Version 3.2 | Last Updated : 3rd February 1999 ]
Version 1.0 Created : 6th August 1998