College Life
Dorm Life

My roommate, Allison, got a digital camera for Christmas! So, I've been having some fun with it. Enjoy!
Warning: Some pictures may be quite scary! (Updated: 11/05/02)
Wanna see more recent pictures of us? Click here!
Also take a look at our dormroom cat


- Cassi -
- Allison -
- Lorie -
- Teresa -


Our Room

This is where I used to sleep!

Here is our TV and micro-fridge unit. Exciting stuff huh?

This is where Allison used to sleep, before we bunked our beds normally.

Here is Allison's desk.

Teresa's desk.

Our .. closets.

Troy State University

This is the building we live in!

The Adam's Center at night

kissing rock


Here is Lorie in her room next door.


This is a picture ... of me! haha!


Lorie, not wanting to have her picture taken.

Cassi, Lorie's roommate, making a silly face.

Teresa attacking Allison with some scissors.

Teresa with her head in the ceiling.

Teresa and Allison being cute!


Teresa attacking Allison with a spray bottle.

Lorie being sweet!

Teresa ... umm??

Yeah, we're tha' stuff.

Cousin IT!

Can you believe these shoes cost $500?? Ok ... randomness.

This is Lorie with Down Syndrome. (She doesn't really have Down Syndrome)

Teresa .... ponders ...

Allison dressed as Anni from ABBA.

Lorie and Cassi's now deceased fish, Big Mac

ACTION SHOT! Teresa spraying Cassi with silly string

Lorie and Cassi ~ Cowgirls!
